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Mikayla Kraft, School Correspondent
MT43 News School Correspondent


Mikayla Kraft

School Correspondent

Mrs. Bakkum has been involved in the Townsend Public School District for a significant amount of time. Everybody from the elementary, middle, and high school knows her as an energetic, entertaining, engaging, and overall exciting teacher. Mrs. Bakkum began teaching at the school in 2005 and has taught 1st-grade reading groups, 2nd-grade, 3rd-grade, 4th-grade, 6th-grade language arts, 8th-grade US history, and 8th-grade Speech and Drama. Currently, she teaches High School Choir and Band, 5th-grade percussion, Musical Theater, and Middle School Band, and she continues to teach 8th-grade Speech and Drama and is the coach of the high school's four-time state champion Speech and Drama team. She is also involved in Close-Up and the direction of the fall and spring plays that the high school puts on. Mrs. Bakkum continues to never let anyone down and makes a huge impact on her students no matter how much work surrounds her.

When Mrs. Bakkum decided to take the opportunity to teach music she could not wait. She went through a certification process that allowed her to switch to music. “[She] could not imagine [her] life without music and now it is [her] job!” When asked what inspires her to teach students music she stated that, “Our music program should include everyone, from absolute beginners to kids with years of experience… I was so fortunate to go to a school where almost everyone was involved. From private piano lessons to a pep band with 50+ students, it was very rare for someone in our school to not be musical!”

Mrs. Bakkum currently has no desire to change the music program, but to enhance it, therefore instilling a new love of music throughout Townsend schools and the community. She plans to accomplish this by using musical strengths in the high school and finding ways to make the band as good as they can be.

Mrs. Bakkum will make a real difference in our school system and will overall bring more joy. The optimism displayed around the school concerning music proves this! If you are interested in music, join it! Music is a gateway to the soul and it will help in growing you as a person! Trust Mrs. Bakkum to do just that with her reliability throughout the 18 years of her teaching at Townsend Public Schools.