This Week In History Aug 11
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
August 11, 1938
Townsend Briefs
Mrs. Stella Deadmond and son, Floyd, have taken up their residence in the Kearns house on Cedar Street, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Cartwright.
Jimmie and Tom Tidyman are spending part of the summer with their grandmother, Mrs. A.C. Carson, at the ranch from their home in Valier.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson and baby have moved into the Hollaway residence property on Walnut Street. Mr. Anderson is managing the Townsend Drug Store at the present time.
Mrs. Ed Ragen was called to the bedside of her brother, Mike Gurnett, at Jordan this week, and upon her return, she reported his condition very much improved. She was accompanied there by Mrs. Paul Ragen and Mrs. P. Dougdale.
Winston News
Among those attending the reunion picnic, last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James Lemon of Helena, Mr. and Ms. Howard Morgan of Helena, Mr. and Ms. Charles Guffey of Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. George Diehl and family and Bob Myles, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Diehl and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bisby, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diehl of Yakima, Wash. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larson of Plainview, Neb.
Mrs. Annie Bisby left Tuesday for Great Falls to visit at the home of Mrs. Louise Mason and to attend the fair. She returned Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diehl and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bisby motored to Bozeman Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H
Winston – Clasoil News
Wednesday visitors at the home of Annie Bisby in Townsend were Mrs. Barbara Robla of Three Forks, Mr. Olson of Manhattan and Mr. and Mrs. George Baum. They helped Annie celebrate her birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davies were Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lokowich.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Diehl, Harold Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Moe attended the State Fair in Great Falls on Wednesday.
Mrs. Noreen Sears and girls visited with her mother, Mrs. Raleigh Cole and Mr. Cole Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Myles, Mrs. Frank Myles of Helena and Mr. And Mrs. Alfred Myles attended the Holiday On Ice show in Butte Thursday evening.
Mrs. Rubie Cox and daughter, Chris, attended a 4-H council meeting in Deer Lodge Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolfem of Seattle were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lokowich one day last week. Mrs. Wolfe is the daughter of Mrs. Arthur Diehl and has been visiting friends and relatives in the area.
The Winston Beavers 4-H club had their annual lakeside picnic at the lake on Sunday. Swimming and boating were enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lokowich furnished the lunch in appreciation of the work the 4-H members are doing on the cemetery and the 4-H members appreciate their thanks. Guests were the parents of the 4-Hers
Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Schmidt and daughter, Kathy, Gregg Acton, Lynette Frola and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Locowich and
Kenneth Hagbom attended the State Fair in Great Falls Thursday. Mary went to Great Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hagbom.
“Woodring Wins State CowBelle Beef Cookoff”
Miss Robin Woodring, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Woodring of Townsend, won the Montana CowBelles state junior beef cook-off at the state fair in Great Falls on August 4. Robin’s winning recipe, Cheeseburger Pie, was handed down to Robin from her grandmother. Robin will be a senior at Broadwater County High School this fall.
In order to compete in the State competition, Robin first had to win locally and then she went on and won at the District competition held in Three Forks this year. So far her winning recipe has netted her, not only first place spots but $150 in prize money. Ten Montana CowBelle districts were represented in the cook-off. Second place went to Mary House of Cut Bank and third was won by Debra Lee Leidhold of Miles City. Girls from Missoula, Glasgow, Shawmut, Great Falls, Wibaux, Laurel and Dagmar were also entered.
Robin will also be appearing in the “Today in Montana” show this Friday, August 12 at 9:00 a.m. The Great Falls station taped the show during the Fair competition.
Rodeo Parade Winners
Animal Drawn Vehicle Category: 1. Charlie Parker and Stacy Vandolah, Three Forks, 2. Roy Whitehouse, Great Falls, 3. Keith Horne, Townsend
Novelty Category: 1. Kathy Mowery, Townsend, 2. Sam Lee, Townsend, 3
Old Time Fiddlers, Townsend, (Ellis Lewis, Jim Beebe and Tressie Byrd)
Floats: 1. American Legion & Auxiliary, Broadwater Post, Townsen, 2. Turcotte’s Tax Service and Date Processing, Townsend, 3 State Bank of Townsend
Motorized Vehicles Category: 1. Lloyd Poe, Townsend, 2. Larry Heberle, Belgrade, 3. Lloyd Heberle, Townsend
Prizes awarded were: 1st place - $12.50, 2nd Place $7.50, 3rd Place - $5.50.