Grilled Venison Steaks with Garlic Butter
 | Author: Eileen Clarke - Rifles and Recipes Author: Rifles and Recipes |
Grilled Venison Steaks with Garlic Butter
Eileen Clarke
Rifles and Recipes
Simple and Quick Dish for Home or Hunting Camp
This recipe is as simple as a recipe gets. Start with a grilled steak at home or in a hunting camp. Then slather a generous bit of garlic butter on the steaks just as they come off the grill. By the time you cut into the steak, it will be awash in a rich butter sauce. Now the only question is, Did you cook enough steak?
For hunting camp, mix up the seasoned butter in a resealable plastic container at home, then tuck it into your cooler with the steaks.
Grilled Venison Steaks with Garlic Butter
Serves 2-4
1 pound venison steaks
2 tablespoons butter, softened
4-6 cloves garlic, minced
1. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat. In a small bowl, combine the butter and minced garlic. Set aside.
2. Brush the steaks lightly with oil so they won’t stick to the cooking surface of the grill. Place on the grill and close the lid.
3. Cook the first side until blood appears on the top of the steaks, then turn, and cook about half again as long. A 3/4-inch thick steak will take about 7-10 minutes, total for both sides, for medium rare, about 135°F. Adjust timing for rare; but approach no-pink very carefully. No-pink-grilled steaks can be pretty tough.
4. Transfer the steaks to a warmed plate and slather them with the garlic butter (or spread the butter on the plate, and lay the hot-off-the-grill steaks right on top of it Once the butter starts to melt, flip and dredge the steaks in the juices. Serve hot, and awash in the rich garlic butter flavors.
*Cooking for a crowd? Maybe with 3-4 pounds of tender steaks? Up your game! In 1/2 cup (1 stick) soft butter, mix 1 tablespoon finely diced red onion, 2 teaspoons minced garlic, and 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro or basil or even a few drops of Smoked Chipotle Tabasco sauce depending on your personal tastes.
If you don’t have fresh herbs, use about 1/3 less dried leaf herbs, but don’t substitute margarine for the butter. The bakery my parents always stopped at after church on Sunday, had a logo: Butter Makes it Better. And that’s as true for steaks as it is for cakes.
A recipe from Eileen’s wild game cookbook, Slice of the Wild: 100 Venison Recipes, a lavishly illustrated bullet-to-fork guide for field care and butchering, as well as 100 venison recipes and 42 side dishes. Available at
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Eileen Clarke
Image 1 Caption: Grilled Venison Steaks with Garlic Butter
Photo Credits: Eileen Clarke