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SAR Participates in Water Rescue Training
Author: Matt Nelson

SAR Participates in Water Rescue Training

Matt Nelson

Members of the Montana Army National Guard, game wardens from the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, plus the Broadwater County Search and Rescue (BCSAR) and two Lewis and Clark Search and Rescue (LCSAR) teams met at Canyon Ferry Lake on Thursday, September 14th to practice the extraction/rescue of swimmers. Each of the four groups had their own boats in the water.

LT. Scott Sponholz is a Montana Army National Guard Chinook pilot. When asked if he was one of the pilots flying the Chinook helicopter over the lake, he responded, “It wasn’t me but it was some of our instructor pilots. They were having Special Forces guys jump out the back into the lake while going really slow. We’ve never done that before for those guys so it was a learning experience for everyone.”

The entire event was coordinated by Bill Waldron. “Chapter XXVIII Special Forces Association ‘Devils Brigade Chapter’ In Honor Of The First Special Service Force Bill Waldron Ambassador” are the words on Bill’s business card.

All of the swimmers jumped from the back of the Chinook helicopter from an estimated height of about 30 feet above the water. Roughly two dozen swimmers participated; they loaded up near the Silos campground, and then the Chinook pilot would make a circle around the lake, while the jumpers separately splashed into the water at a distance from each other approximately 100 feet apart. They were then loaded into small boats which took the jumpers back to the campground.

Once seven people had jumped the pilot would circle again and the next group of jumpers would exit from the back. After all the jumpers were thoroughly wet and back at campground the pilot would fly back there to pick them up and start the jumps all over again.

Buoys were used to mark the area where each of the four SAR and Fish/ Wildlife boats were to be positioned. Broadwater County Fire Chief Ed Shindoll drove the BCSAR boat and I was with him. The main responsibility we had was to keep other boaters away from the jump area. However, we only intercepted one boat and the driver of the boat said that he was authorized to be there by Bill Waldron.

The weather was perfect, with a clear blue sky, temps in the 70s, and very smooth water on the lake. It is good to know that swimmers and boaters on Canyon Ferry Lake have such good rescue crews.

A general meeting for all the members of the BCSAR team is held on the last Monday of each month, and training in such items as first aid, water rescue, and search techniques is given on the first Thursday of each month. Both meetings start at 6:30 p.m. The SAR building is located at the corner of Pine Street and 6th Street.

Volunteers are always welcome with the BCSAR Team. The people currently serving have a wide background of abilities and talents and are in all adult age groups. The main purpose is to help other people in traumatic situations.

If you have any questions about Search and Rescue or would like to volunteer please call the sheriff’s office at 406 266-3441 or the SAR president Eric Crusch at 406 521-0275.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Matt Nelson
Image 1 Caption: Montana Army National Guard Special Forces soldier jumps from Chinook into Canyon Ferry Lake. Photo Credits: Matt Nelson