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Top Gun Auto Celebrates "Heroes of Townsend"


Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent
MT43 News Correspondent

Dee Gannon

MT43 News Correspondent

Ted Culbertson, born and raised in East Helena and owner of Top Gun Automotive, is philanthropic. For the last 6 years, he and his crew (measuring 33 total) have shown their love and support to others by sponsoring a ‘Heroes of Helena’, a gift from them to an agreed upon non-profit organization.

Because Top Gun Automotive has recently opened a new location at the old Broadwater Ford site; the crew decided to bless Townsend as well. For their Grand Opening (although they have been doing a successful business now for a few months) Ted and crew decided to put on a show. One attraction (and it did get everyone’s attention) was freestyle moto jumpers. Flying through the air from a hard-cased ramp onto an air-filled landing spot, couldn’t have been easy; but the riders made it look that way, doing flips, jumps, and crazy stuff. There was even a 12-year-old, who kept up with his older compadres.

Freestyle moto is where Culbertson began until multiple leg breaks led him to his real dream, Auto Body Repair. He credits customer service as his most important tool. “We have technicians who believe this in the deepest sense”, remarks Culbertson. “I personally train every technician who comes to work for TGA. I’m fortunate to hire right out of technical school. Those ‘kids’ are so hungry for a place where they feel appreciated when they work hard. That’s my goal, to show appreciation and gratitude for a job well done. Happy customers are those who tell others.”

Not only did the crazy riders attract attention, but the food did as well. They had BBQed burgers until they ran out…then, it was every (hot) dog for himself! Included were chips and a drink.

The highlight of the afternoon was ‘Heros of Townsend’ decided by the crew. The Senior Center was recognized as a non-profit that benefitted the community. Carol Anderson, who has been with the Senior Center for almost 34 years, received a check in the amount of $500.

The Rotary Club of Townsend also received a check of $500 for all the community projects the Rotarians perform

Finally, the Townsend Athletic Department received a big check (6 feet by 2 feet) for $5,000!

Throughout the day, there were buckets of raffle tickets; with the proceeds going to the families of the tragic accident that happened on September 13.

If you have a bump or bruise on your car or truck; know that Top Gun can help you. They do diagnostics, frames, suspension and calibration. They are also certified to work on Ford, GM, Subaru, Chrysler, Honda and Nissan. The Helena site has the only Tesla-certified technicians in Montana. They also have U Haul rental in Townsend, renting trucks and trailers of all sizes.

Thanks, TGA for your generosity to our community.

Visit our website at to see even more pictures of the event!

Article Images

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PhotoCredit: Pam Sample
Image 1 Caption: Carol Anderson of Top Gun receives the "Hero of Townsend" award for the Townsend Senior Center.
Image 2 Caption: Rotary President Jeanine Stone, Pat Plantenberg and Jeff Langlinais receive the "Hero of Townsend" award for the Townsend Rotary Club
Image 3 Caption: Superintendent Susie Hedalen, Principals Sherri Heaverin and Brad Racht, Coach Joe Horne and several athletes receive the "Hero of Townsend" award for the Townsend Schools
Image 4 Caption: Free Style Moto Demonstration