Community Health Foundation Board Fundraiser a Success at the Bunkhouse Bar
 | Author: Nancy Marks, Reporter Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Community Health Foundation Board Fundraiser a Success at the Bunkhouse Bar
Nancy Marks
It was tri-tip, barbequed ribs with all the trimmings and good Country Western music that drew folks to the annual Community Health Foundation fundraiser on Saturday, September 9 at the Bunkhouse Bar near Toston. Good sunshiny weather did not hurt either, according to Chairwoman Kwinci Tatarka.
The group’s fundraiser usually involves tickets for a $1,000 donated by a bank in Helena, but the group decided this would be a good change. Total funds raised were $6,289. Over 90 people enjoyed the meal, according to Treasurer Judy Gillespie.
The Community Health Foundation, organized in 1989, supports community health projects such as donations to the Broadwater Health Department for shingles immunizations not covered by Medicare or insurance. The group also purchased hand sanitizing stations for Townsend Schools during COVID. One of its main goals is to support Billings Clinic Broadwater for its special projects and needs according to the group’s handout information.
Circle 100, a “once a year” meeting group is affiliated with the Foundation. These contributors have donated around $100,000 since 2012, the funds of which are used to remodel the long-term care hospital rooms. The funds also purchased a bladder scanner, towel warmers, automatic handicap doors and a washing machine, among other needed equipment for the long-term care unit.
A second affiliate of the Health Foundation is the Barbara Kirscher Education Fund, the money of which goes to underwrite scholarships for graduating seniors who pursue careers in health. The funds are also used to assist Billing Clinic Broadwater hospital staff to further their education in the health field.
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Front row left to right: Ernie Nunn, Deena Gobbs, Dolly McMaster; Back row left to right: Lonnie Gobbs, Trish Dana, Cassie Cooper, Lori Graham, Kwinci Tatarka
Photo Credits: Nancy Marks