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Jail Ministry Gives Inmates hope


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Jail Ministry Gives Inmates Hope

Pat Lether gives hope to some of Broadwater County Detention Center’s inmates. Lether, a member of Trailhead Church, knows the inmates’ anger and lost feelings. She has served for ten years first at Montana State prison and then at the Bozeman detention center as a Bible studies leader. In an interview last Tuesday, Pat and Claire Clark of Mountain Valley Church had just finished their ministry with women in the Center. “The women who do come, and not all chose to come, must have permission to leave their cells. They join the Bible Study looking for someone who cares, someone who can give them hope. We help them find the love of Christ and hope,” Pat said.

The ministry is a new calling for Claire who just started attending the Bible study. Trailhead Church member TJ Lynde has been leading the men’s group for three years. “Some of the guys come because they are curious, but most join the study because they want to be there,” he explained. Many of the men are incarcerated because of domestic violence and anger issues. TJ said he has watched men so full of anger eventually let the anger go and find some peace. “That’s the Lord’s work in action,” he said.

While Bible study is learning how to meet the Lord, ministry leaders often become listeners and counselors. TJ explained the jail ministry is important because many of the inmates will go on to serve sentences at Montana State Prison in Deer Lodge. “Our time together gives the men and women the ability to carry the word with them so they find purpose in the long months they have yet to serve,” he said.

The group encouraged anyone interested in serving in the jail ministry to contact their church leaders or the Sheriff’s office.

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