Broadwater County Lions Club Charter Night Celebration
Author: Bob Brastrup, Townsend Lions Club
Broadwater County Lions Club Charter Night Celebration
Bob Brastrup
Townsend Lions Club
The Broadwater County Lions Club Charter Night meeting was a celebration for the induction of three new members and the presentation of two prestigious awards.
Sandra Booher, Don and Patti Hanson were inducted as new members by International Lion Director Ben Apeland.
Christina Hartmann was presented the Montana Sight and Hearing Fellowship award for her efforts to help the club purchase the correct equipment for the hearing and vision screening clinics. She is also a member of the club Sight and Hearing Committee, is the club president, and chair of the board of directors
The Melvin Jones Award, the highest honor a club can bestow on a member, was awarded to Kevin Reed. Kevin has been actively assisting with various club projects, is the club vice president, and serves on the board of directors.
Past District Governor Dan Sturdevant installed the new club officers. They are: President – Christina Hartmann, 1st Vice President – Kevin Reed, 2nd Vice President – Richard Heida, Secretary – Bob Brastrup, Treasurer – Teena Larson, Tail Twister/Lion Tamer – Gary Olsen, Board of Directors – Kevin Reed, Lacie Reed, Richard Heida.
District Governor Scott Gertiser congratulated the club members for the many projects and activities in which the club had been involved during the past year. He stated the monetary gift presented to him by the club would be donated to the Leader Dog program.
A lively session of bidding during the desert auction rounded out the evening’s activities.
The club sends a big thank you to the Legion and Legion Auxiliary for the excellent meal they served.
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Bob Brastrup
Image 1 Caption: Left to right new member Patti Hanson, sponsor Kim Kondellik, new member Sandra Booher, sponsor Joe Kondelik, new member Don Hanson.
Photo Credits: Bob Brastrup
Image 2 Caption: Kevin Reed, left, was presented the Melvin Jones Award by last year's recepient, Joe Kondelik, right, at the Lions Charter Night.
Photo Credits: Bob Brastrup
Image 3 Caption: Christina Hartmann, left, was presented the Montana Sight and Hearing Award by last year's recipient Joe Kondelik, right, at the Lions Charter Night.
Photo Credits: Bob Brastrup