This Week In History Aug 4
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
August 4, 1938
“Townsend Briefs”
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pennington, who purchased the Katherine Huth Ranch, spent Monday in town looking for housing quarters in which to live while their children attend school next year.
Dave Doig and daughter Mrs. Art Jersey and grandson, Billie, were Townsend visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Riis of Ringling is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hannah Hazelton and Miss Cecelia for a few weeks.
“Winston News”
Mrs. Wayne Herrington and children are visiting at the home of Mrs. Stroh on Deep Creek.
Glenn Whitehead Pfc. arrived home from Great Falls Friday night to spend the weekend with his folks.
“Canton Valley News”
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cotter, accompanied by Mrs. Cotter’s sister, Mrs. Conner and son, Billy, of Butte, attended the “Golden Canyon Days” celebration in Helena last week. Rose Cotter returned with them for the weekend at home. Billy won 1st prize in t he 12 yr. boy’s race.
Bobby Bayles of Townsend is spending a part of his vacation at the Gaab Ranch this week.
Valley Woman’s Club held a picnic on the lawn of the Ed Neild home Wednesday afternoon August 5. A pleasant afternoon was spent, in spite of the high temperature, eating sandwiches, cake, ice cream and drinking cool drinks, served in the shade of immense trees. Present were Mrs. James Hardgrove, Mrs. Sewell Marks, Mrs. Wm. Gaab, Mrs. Walter Horne, Mrs. Harold Daffin, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Parker and Miss Jessie Riley and the hostess Mrs. Ed Neild. Thirteen children ate their fill and frolicked on the lawn during the afternoon.
“Old Flour Mill to Fall in Path of Progress"
Along with progress will go the old landmark and once flour king, the old Bedford Flour Mill. The mill has been acquired by the state highway commission from Hervey Cook with the other right-of-way thru the Cook Ranch property about three miles north of Townsend. The state will construct a new highway through there in a short time.
The flour mill, in the late 1860s, turned out flour from native grown wheat and supplied early day pioneers for miles around. Much of the crude machinery used in the operation is still housed in the mill.
“Garden Club Plans Field Trip to Prescott Home”
The Garden Club is going to have a field trip to the Prescott ranch on Monday Aug. 8. The members will leave town at 11 a.m. Anyone wishing rides call 268.
Mrs. E.J Davis now has samples of the flower cards, favors etc., to be sold by the garden club.
“Local News”
Mrs. A.C. Carson was in Helena last Sunday to attend the rites of Holy Baptism for her great granddaughter, Heather, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tidyman, Jr., at the Episcopal Pro-Cathedral. After the rites she accompanied her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tidyman Sr., to Valier where she will spend some time visiting.
Miss Ann Whaley from Billings spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Whaley and son, Scott. Kelly Whaley came from Helena Saturday and drove to Billings Sunday with Ann and Mrs. Henry Huth, Jr.
Canton Homemakers and Old Baldy 4-H Cubs picnicked on Duck Creek last Sunday. Families who enjoyed the day were Bieber, Iverson, VanMeter, Preston, Sullivan, Gilstrap, Hoppe, Merritt and Marks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Plymale entertained guests last Sunday afternoon with a hayride to the Duck Creek picnic grounds where they ate supper. Guests were Mrs. Donna Comes ,from Missoula, who is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Plymale, Richard Wiklund from Helena, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ringer and children, from White Sulphur Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Campbell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cartwright and Harry, and Michael and Bradley Plymale.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swanson and son, Michael, from Olympia, WA, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marks and daughter, Nancy, on Monday. Mrs. Mamie Moody form Butte and her sister, Mrs. Josie Siprelle are spending a few days in the Marks home.
“Local News”
Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carson are their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Turcotte of Barstow, Calif., who arrived last Tuesday and are spending their vacation here, Paul’s sister, Miss Helen Carson of North Arlington, New Jersey, and their son, Lt. Peter Carson, his wife and children of George Air Force Base Victorville, Calif., who arrived last Friday for a 10-day visit.
Mike Scoffield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Scoffield, arrived home early Wednesday morning from a year’s tour of duty in Viet Nam. Mike has been stationed with the 1st Cavalry Division, Airmobile, and flew as crew chief on a helicopter. He had written his parents that he might not get to come home, as many rotations of duty had been cancelled, but he pleasantly surprised them with a call from San Francisco on the weekend. Due to the airline strike, he was forced to take a bus home from the coast. Mike will be spending a 30 day leave here with his parents and his brothers and families. Mr. and Mrs. Scoffield and Mike left Wednesday to visit the Great Falls Fair.
“Radersburg News”
Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson of Toston and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Noyd of Townsend spent the evening visiting Alan, Debbie and Bobby Smith.
Lynn Colby was fortunate in one way and unfortunate in another. The company bought him a new truck and while working on it in Billings, he got a piece of steel in his eye. He had to go to Helena Monday to have it looked at. He leaves for Minneapolis Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hysell and girls of Pocatello, Idaho spent the weekend with her mother, Marieanne Miller. While here, they attended the class reunion in Townsend. They left for home Monday morning as Tim had to be at work at midnight Monday. The girls remained for a two weeks stay with their grandmother.
Jane and Dawn Marie Alsager, of Bozeman, spent the weekend with Jane’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Williams.
Mrs. Juanita Castleberry and Mrs. Mary Clemo, of Helena, and Mr. and Mr. Hugh Broderick were dinner guests at the Fireside Lounge one day last week, the occasion being Hugh’s birthday.