This Week In History - Oct 26
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”
October 1926
“Rotary Club Hears About the South”
An exchange of ideas and customs between what is done in the south and in Montana was the topic brought before the Rotary Club by the Rev. N.C. Croft at the regular weekly meeting of the Rotary Club on Tuesday evening.
Nine members of the civic organization met at dinner at the I.O.O.F. hall served by Kap’s confectionery. D.A. Hawn presided in the place of the president, Earl W. Brown, who was absent, and although a small attendance, the meeting was said to be one of pleasure and created much interest. The speaker, the Rev. Mr. Croft recently from the south, had some interesting facts to present to the group.
“Roller Skating New Sport in Radersburg”
In every community some organization takes the lead in creating civic interest and in Radersburg, this honor must fall to a club known as the “Gold Diggers”, in reality, a home demonstration club. During the past week, roller skating has been instituted into the amusement calendar of the “Brug” by this club and from all reports young and old are taking up the sport which is indulged in at the Community Hall every night in the week except Monday.
“Young People Praised for Round Table Discussion”
A large number attended the Townsend unit P-TA Monday evening to hear, among other things, a round table discussion by a group of high school students on “Activities that are making B. Co. H.S. enjoy a well rounded school program.
Those who took part in students night and their subjects were: The Kadayas, Roxy Ward; “B” Club, Jack Kimpton; Student Council, Ray Hohn; Girl’s State, Minnie Houston; Boy’s State, Gene Cook.
When the young people were through, Mr. Cooper made a short talk in which he complimented the personnel highly. He said he had heard many extemporaneous round table discussion among high school and college students and said he had never heard a more excellent discussion showing spontaneous thinking by young people. Mr. Patterson also expressed satisfaction at the manner in which the discussion was presented.
The Rev. Mr. Patterson presided as president. He had passed out a mimeographed sheet bearing some information on what P-TA tries to do and about the program of the evening.
Among other business, the organization went on record to support the school carnival; pay for the United Nations flags for the two schools and to purchase the radio for the new school.
The school flags of the United Nations were made by Mrs. John Zipperian and Mrs. Lyman Etzwiler and were flown on United Nations Day Tuesday.
“First Snow”
Townsend and vicinity got the first real snowstorm of the season Friday night with about six inches on the ground Saturday morning. Snow fell most of the day Saturday.
“Local News”
Chas. Shaw, who has been in Spokane with his race horses, returned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wozney of Minong, Wis., are visiting her uncle, Pat Pennington and family. They have been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pennington at Elliston.
Danny Neifert, Deena Hollaway and Mary Lee Etzwiler left today at noon for Livingston where they will attend the Montana Diocesan Youth convention meeting tonight, Friday and Saturday morning.
Mrs. Nellie Sayre has accepted a bookkeeping position with Grover Motor company, following the resignation of Harold Kreis.
Patsy Shute has been employed as secretary at the sheriff’s office replacing Robin Alley, who resigned last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Sperry returned home Friday after an extended tour of Eastern states and a visit to his old home place in New York state. Mort says they visited all the New England states and many historical places in and around the national capital.
Louis Green of Green’s Super Market has purchased the glass showcases used in the Toggery and has installed them in the dry goods department of his store.
“Toston Briefs”
John Flynn attended the DeMolay conclave in Lewistown over the weekend. He returned home Sunday with the Arnetts.
Tracy Plummer returned home last week after completing his basic training.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Slifka and Mr. And Mrs. Bill Lane were hunting near Cameron last weekend.
Miss Jean Berberet spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berberet and family.
Murell Finch and Miss Lana Plummer were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Plummer and family
Ted Flynn, accompanied by Loren Haarad and Lee Hart spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flynn and enjoyed some hunting.
“Toston & Crow Creek News”
Franklin Slifka is spending this week guiding in West Yellowstone.
Vickie and Connie Rauser from MSU in Bozeman, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Rauser.
Woody and Helen Hensley drove down to Yellowstone Park Sunday. It is just beautiful this time of the year they reported. They saw lots and lots of elk.
Franklin and Judy Slifka entertained guests for an early Sunday morning breakfast.
Duane and Roxy Anderson spent Sunday hunting up Johnny’s Gulch.
Vaughn Evans of Butte, John Flynn and doctors Ned and Ted Schroeder of Lewiston, Idaho are spending the week at the Flynn Cabin on Dry Creek and doing some hunting. John got his spike the first day.
Joanne Slifka came home from college for the weekend. Friends and relatives gathered to help her celebrate her 18th birthday Saturday evening. Happy birthday Joanne.
We drove up Dry Creek Sunday to see all the hunters. There sure was a lot of them up there with their tents and all sizes and shapes of campers. We didn’t see anyone with their game.