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This Week In History - Oct. 5


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”

October 5


“Rotary Club Set Charter Day for November 14th.”

The Rotary Club of Townsend held their regular weekly luncheon on Tuesday.

They voted to change the meeting time to 6:15 p.m. instead of the noon hour as has been the custom.

Charter night date was set definitely for November 14 instead of October 17 as previously announced and will be held in the high school gymnasium at which time about two hundred will be present for a banquet and program.

Supt. Roy Austin of Whitehall, a member of the Whitehall club gave a talk on “What a Rotary Club can do for a small town”. The members who heard him were unanimous in considering the program the best they had had. Dr. M.L. Hultgren attended the meeting as a guest of Rotarian Russell Scott of Helena. He gave a short talk on British Jamaica,having just recently returned from there.

Other visitors at the luncheon were F.L. Niven, county extension agent from Whitehall and president of the Whitehall Rotary Club;. K.L. Martinson, editor of the Jefferson Valley News and senator of Jefferson County; and E.T. Kallgren, manager of the W.P. Fuller & Co. of Butte.


“Nurse Specials Famous Actor”

L. Dan Sullivan received word from his sister, Mrs. Thomas L. Hehir that she left Sunday afternoon for Hollywood, Calif., as the special nurse for Victor Mature, one of Hollywood’s leading actors, who was injured in a motorcycle accident Sept. 5 near Missoula, while on set for the Fox studios, making the picture “Wild Winds”. Mrs. Hehir plans to return in about two weeks. She had been special nurse for Mr. Mature since his accident.

At the time Actor Mature was injured a specialist arrived by plane from California and after the three daily nurses were dismissed, Mrs. Hehir was asked to board the special car and return to California with Mr. Mature and his wife to assist in his care en route.

As Irene (Mrs. Hehir) put it, “I want to meet Lionel Barrymore first” which was promised her. The trip is sure to be a novel one and hold much interest for Mrs. Hehir.


“Bureau Employee Joins SCS Staff”

Troy C. Helmick has been assigned to the local Soil Conservation Service staff this week, according to Jim Kolar, work unit conservationist.

Mr. Helmick will be working with Louie Day, Jr., as an engineering aid and will receive training in assisting farmers and ranchers in applying conservation practices from the local staff. Following completion of his training period, he will be re-assigned to another soil conservation district in Montana.

Prior to this assignment, he was employed by the Bureau of Reclamation for the past nine years on various projects throughout Montana. The past year and a half, Mr. Helmick, his wife, Shirley , and three children, Rhonda, Brent and Leslie, have been residing in Townsend at the Art Walter residence on North Pine.

“Scouts pick Douglas Fir Cones”

Some of the Scouts for Boy Scout Troop 99, along with scoutmaster, Allen, spent four (pitch covered) hours collecting Douglas Fir cones in the Norris Gulch area last Sunday. The cones were sold to the U.S. Forest Service. They will be sent to a tree nursery where the seeds will be extracted, and seedlings raised for replanting burned over and otherwise denuded areas. The boys had a good time and made good progress until their hands became so pitch covered that they couldn’t let loose of the cones they picked.

Boys who took part in the project were: Jerry Waling, Tim Hysell, Dale Sprout, Rodney Davis and Paul Schwisow.


“Who is Where in the Armed Forces”

Lt. Pete Nash was in town Monday evening visiting friends and was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Kearns. Pete has been stationed at Laredo Air Force Base, Texas, taking jet pilot training. Upon completion of his leave, he will go to Tucson, Ariz. For further training. He left Tuesday for Missoula to visit his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nash and daughter.

Sp. 4 Paul Schwisow arrived home Tuesday by plane from Camp Red Cloud, near Seoul, Korea where he has been stationed the past six months. He is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Schwisow. He will report back Oct. 17 after completion of his mid term leave. Paul was fortunate to get a military flight home, making real good connections

Lance Corporal and Mrs. Gene Scott arrived last weekend from Camp Pendleton, Calif., to visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. Richard Bomar and Mr. Bomar and her mother, Mrs. Pat Pennington and Mr. Pennington. After a 20 day leave he will report back to Camp Pendleton and shortly thereafter will leave of a tour of duty in Vietnam.

“Carson Discharged from Air Force”

Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carson that their son, Capt. Peter A. Carson, was discharged from the United States Air Force in September.

Pete is a Broadwater County boy and has been in the Air Force four years. He is a graduate of Broadwater County High School and the State University. His training in the Air Force was received in Del Rio, Texas; Tucson, Ariz.; and Tampa, Florida. He served overseas, being stationed in Thailand.

Pete was pilot of an F4C Phantom Jet. He is now enrolled in school with Pan American, studying to be a co-pilot engineer.


“Winston-Clasoil News”

Charles Baum and sons, Ray and Douglas and Ray’s wife, Barbara, were guests of honor on Sunday, when Charles’ wife, Barbara, served the annual birthday dinner to the four honorees. Helping them celebrate their birthdays, which occurred this past week were Kenneth Baum, Darrell, Scott, Derek and Heather Baum,. Mrs. Elsie Baum and Clarence and JoAnne Thom. Ray’s wife, Barbara, baked and decorated the delicious birthday cake. Happy Birthday to all of you.

Tom Hohn was a weekend visitor at the home of his parents a week ago from his home in Denver and was to go to Butte on business.

Vince and Inez Hohn took Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hohn to Townsend on Friday to watch the Homecoming game between Townsend and Whitehall with Townsend being the winner. Their son, David, is a member of the football team. Afterwards they all went to the Fireside Lounge for dinner to round out the evening.