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This Week In History - Sept 28


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and

The “Cotter Foundation”

September 28


“Future Farmers Club to Initiate”

The members of the Broadwater Chapter of Future Farmers (FFA) will call in the new crop of Green Hands next Tuesday evening and put them through the customary procedure of the FFA initiation.

The country and the present time are being searched to find a rugged and long-horned goat for the candidates to ride on their tour of the evening. Following a brief informal initiation, the new members will be taken to the chapter room where they will go through the formal ceremonies as set up by the National Future Farmer organization. Afterwards a lunch will be served by the upper classmen who will handle all the activities for the evening. The freshmen who will receive the Green Hand degrees that night will be Douglas Ballard, Jasper Bridgewater, Jack Fordayce, James Gruber, Robert Gruber, Ernst Miller, Larry Riley, Don Shearer and Bill Weiferich.

The officers of the local chapter who will prepare the ceremonies for the evening are: Bob Kenney, president; Cliff Craw, vice president; Eddie Daniels, treasurer; Bill Kieckbusch, secretary Fred Plymale reporter; Frank Kenney, sentinel and Duke Wellington, advisor.

The entire chapter will be present and for added attraction a moving picture film made during high school week at Bozeman last spring will show all the activities of the FFA while on their trip to Bozeman – Fred Plymale, Reporter.


“Geo. V. Lots Wins $500 Trout Derby by Landing 4 ½ Pound Lockleven in River Sunday”

The winner of the 1950 Trout Derby sponsored by the Broadwater Rod and Gun Club last Sunday was George V. Lots. The presentation ceremonies were in Memorial Park in the afternoon following the derby and before a crowd of almost 400 people. George won first prize for the 4 ½ pound Lockleven caught on a daredevil lure and casting outfit just a few minutes before the blast closing the derby sounded.

The big derby was a huge success. The day couldn’t have been more perfect and a crowd estimated at over 500 participated. There was a man or woman or child every 50 feet up and down the 10 miles fishing area soon after the opening blast at 8:00 a.m. Every known kind of bait was used, but the dare devil contraption seemed to be the most popular and that was the bait that lured the first prize Lock.

Ralph Thompson won second prize of $100 and his was a 2 pound 14 ½ oz. Lockleven. Two other prizes for large trout went to Leslie Williams 2 lbs. 4 oz. and Bob Grimmell, Townsend, 1 lb. 4 ½ oz.

The prizes were given from a large truck in Memorial Park. Jack Thompson, resident of the Rod and Gun Club thanked the participants and especially the merchants, who gave the long list of prizes, using a loud speaker, Guy L. Ewing presented the prizes.

There were 50 prizes including very fine fishing and sport goods equipment to hams, candy and beer. The winner of the prize for the fisherman coming from the lonest distance went to a man from the Panama Canal. The oldest fisherman to a 74 year old man and a 68 year old woman.

Prizes were won by people from Great Falls, Helena, Toston, Three Forks and Townsend.


“Local News”

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Karhoff and son, Russell, of Townsend and their daughter Mrs. Gordon Williams, Mr. Williams and their son, Dana, of Willow Creek left Saturday for Edina, Mo. to visit relatives. Mr. Karhoff was born and reared at Edina.

Mrs. Don Williams and children, Teri Lynn and Keith and Mrs. Jack Stallings of Santa Maria, Calif. came last week to visit the ladies’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeBorde.

Rex Smith is here visiting his mother, Mrs. Margaret Smith. He has been in the Air Force a little over a year, stationed at Laredo, Texas. Rex will attend a survival school near Reno in October and then will return to Townsend and remain here until about the first of December when he will go to Charleston, S.C. for further training.

“Crow Creek News”

Miss Arlis Feistner was an overnight guest of Miss Linda Hunsaker Tuesday. Miss Karche Lampman was a guest of Miss Joann Hunsaker at her home the same night.

Mrs. W.K. Parker enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Noble Rains of Homer, Ill. and their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Garrison Rains, of Townsend, Monday afternoon.

Tom Lyness was a weekend guest of Miss Pearl Kitto and William Kitto. His sister, Miss Annie Lyness, was a weekend visitor in the Forrest Kitto home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horne and Valerie visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Horne, in Martinsdale Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sanderson, Laurel and Roger, were hosts at a turkey dinner Sunday evening. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sanderson of Toston and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Lewis, Mike and Barbara.

Among those attending the Farm Bureau banquet in Townsend Monday night were Bill Kimpton, Mrs. Ben Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Lewis.


“Toston Briefs”

Carlotte Chryst of Three Forks visited last week at the Leslie Smith home. On Friday she and Mrs. Smith were business callers in Bozeman.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas of Ringling, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Flynn and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Slifka and family were dinner guests in Three Forks Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane and Family.

Ted Flynn spent the weekend at the Bill Flynn home.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mitchell of Dillon were guests last week of Mrs. Mitchell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Greaves.

Mr. and Mrs. John Heath of Helena visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hardgrove Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Etzwiler of West Farge, N.D., visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rauser and family Monday. Mrs. Rauser is their niece.

Miss Vicki Rauser was a guest of Miss Rose Spatzierath Saturday night.


“Radersburg News”

The garage sale that has been in the news and ads in the Townsend Star was well attended. Just about everything was sold. In other words, the sale was a huge success. The Radersburg ladies express their thanks to everyone for coming.

Linda Cobban of Winston took in the garage sale Saturday afternoon and had dinner that evening with Hazel and Charlie Hough.

Jim Miller of the valley and Charlie Hough were business callers in Bozeman one day last week.

Tops Ralls and Terry Eaton and girls, Trudy and Tracy, were Sunday dinner guests of Jean and Jack Ralls.

Jean and Jack Ralls were rattlesnake hunting up around Winston one day last week. He was walking up a hill and along side of him was what he was hunting – the snake and Jack, side by side. Jack got the snake before the snake got Jack.

Mrs. Helen Harris spent the weekend at her home here.

Mrs. Ann Roberts was a Townsend visitor Monday. Cindy Roberts and Jackie brought her home that evening.

Sunday visitors at John and Loretta Williams’ were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Letempt of Three Forks.