This Week In History - Sept 21
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”
September 21
“Radersburg News”
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barraugh and daughter, Barbara, made a business trip to Townsend Monday.
Art Sitton was injured at the Ohio Keating mine when his foot was caught under a shovel resulting in a fractured bone in his foot and an injury to his ankle.
“Canton Valley News”
Threshing is again well underway since it was checked for several days due to weather conditions. John Plymale hopes to complete his threshing on his several places in about two days and Will Daniels is finished as are also the W.D. Rankin place and Chas. Barker will be thru in a few more days. Others are waiting their turn for the machines to pull in.
Mrs. Dan Sullivan and three children accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jenkins to Missoula on Saturday where they visited their sister, Mrs. Thomas L. Hehr and family until Tuesday.
“Crow Creek News”
The Crow Creek School opened on September 5 with an attendance of thirteen. Kenneth Williams of Cascade is again the teacher and bus driver. His son, Kenny, is with him and attends the eighth grade in Townsend. His mother, Mrs. E.M. Williams, is also with him for the winter.
Enrollment includes four beginners, Richard Slifka, Bobby Moliter, Patricia Hensley and Diana Hunsaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Webb were business callers in Helena on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Kimpton transacted business in Helena on Saturday and remained for the evening show “Islandia” at the Civic Center.
Winston News”
Hugh Whitehead trucked a load of cattle to Butte Sunday. Bill Diehl took cattle to Butte Monday.
James Riis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riis, left for the army last week.
Mrs. Annabelle Diehl, Mrs. Hazel Pigman, Mrs. Marge Hamlin and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead attended club Thursday at the home of Mrs. Myrtle DeLaney. Mrs. Hugh Whitehead won first prize for the quiz, Mrs. Richard Hohn second. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Whitehead October 10.
“Rainbow Girls Install Officers”
A full slate of officers were installed for the local Assembly of Rainbow for Girls Tuesday night at the Masonic Temple. Installation of Worthy Advisor Merilee Miller started the ceremony, followed by installation of the other officers. Next was presentation of parents and brief remarks by the Past Advisor.
Officers installed were: Merrilee Miller, Worthy Advisor; Judy Huntsberger, Worthy Associate Advisor; Sherry Hunter, Charity; Gloria Fryhling, Hope; Beverly Thompson, Faith; Alberta Thurston, Chaplain; Betty Davis, Drill Leader; Members of the Bow: Bonnie Wallace, Love; Mary Lee Etzwiler, Religion; Bonnie Plymale, Nature; Judy Duede, Immortality; Sharon Rains, Fidelity; Kathy Iverson, Patriotism, Susan McElravy, Service; Sherry Kincheloe, Confidential Observer; Marcia Lots, Outer Observer; Nancy Marks, Musician; Jean Greaves, Choir Director.
Installing officers were: Donna Fogland, Worthy Advisor; Beth Thompson, chaplain; Ann Kirksey; musician; Paula Plymale, marshal; Charleen Adams, recorder and Connie Valentine treasurer.
Members of the choir were: Roxy Kolberg, Laura Plymale, Patty Fischer, Betty Ann DuFresne, Mary Lou Thompson, Vicki Huth, Carlon Kolberg, Linda Wallace, Susan Rains, Cindy Holland, Sharon Adams, Judy Spatzierath, Barbara Lambert, Stephanie Rains, Candy Davis, Donna Doig, Marie Kirscher, Lois Campbell, Diana Biggs, Joan Thomas and Rita Castleberry.
“College Students Leave for School”
Colleges are starting this week and Townsend is well represented at the many halls of learning. We realize this list is not complete and would appreciate any additions to it. Among students leaving and their various schools are:
Montana State University- Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Quintero, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl, Joel & Gary Flynn, Dan Shearer, Peggy Christie, Chuck Hahn, Marie Kirscher, Cliff Cox, Sheila Hohn, Jim Nave, Felicity Dagnall, Jane Berberet, Cinda Holland, Karche Lampman, Bert Tarrant.
Western Montana College – Jim & Chuck Smith, Harry Buckingham, Marcia & Jim Lots, Linda Walker, Candy Davis, Dan & Jim Wooley, Dale Sprout, Bob & Gene Thompson, Glenda Campbell, Jean Berberet, Dave Scott.
Carrol College – Mrs. Pete Surdock, Mary Ouren, Larry Mullany, Mary Ellen McNulty, Mary Anne Hensley, Chuck Sullivan.
Rocky Mountain College – Brad Tarrant, Larry Lundborg, Rodney Davis.
University of Montana – Bruce & Clark Whitehead, Bob Lundborg, Sharon Rains, Ted Ulmer, David Kearns, Mike Scoffield, Lanny White, Nancy Marks, Mike Perry, Pat Ragen, Skip Sherwood, Ted Flynn, Keith Williams.
Eastern Montana College – Mike Ragen, Trudi Bucy, Steve Wogamon.
Northern Montana College -Jex Hunsaker, Tony Kaul, Tom Williams, Steve Kirksey.
University of Minnesota – Kay Delger; Ricks College – Mike Harrigfeld; University of Utah – Marty Madill; University of Utah Medical School – Max Iverson; Cochise Junior College – Jim Horne; Harvard University – Jim Ragen; University of Washington – Jim Etzwiler & Dana Stiner; Western Washington College – Nancy Fryhling.
“Winston – Clasoil News”
Bertha and Linda Cobban drove to Bozeman on Wednesday to spend the day.
Charles, Barbara and Ken Baum visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Schmidt on Sunday evening.
Minnis and Velma Wells, who are visiting here on their annual vacation trip from their home in California, visited with Bob and Linda Cobban and family on Sunday evening.
Beth Hohn and children drove to Jefferson City on Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Madison.
The Masolo family held their annual Jackpot Rodeo on Sunday with entries coming in from all parts of the state and though I don’t have the results, I understand there was a very big turnout both participating and just enjoying watching the affair. The Masolo family is to be commended for putting on a good family clean-cut entertainment for everyone to enjoy and we’ll all be looking forward to next year’s affair. There was an excellent potluck supper served at the end of the day with such a variety of foods one could choose from. No one needed to go away with empty stomachs.