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This Week In History - Sept 7


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”

September 7


“Rotary Club Here Elects Brown As First President”

That Townsend is to have a Rotary club was made evident on Friday, Sept. 1 when the board of directors that was appointed at the initial meeting on August 30 met at a dinner at Kap’s and elected the following officers: Earl W. Brown, president; Douglas Hawn, vice-president; W.L. Emmert, secretary; James W. Kearns, treasurer and John E. Connors, sergeant-at-arms.

Rotary is an international organization having clubs in 63 countries. There are 5000 active clubs and 500,000 members in all. The principal committees are club service, vocational service, community service, and international service. Minor committees to be appointed when the need arises.

The club held a meeting on Tuesday at Kap’s at which E.V. Edworthy of Helena addressed the members on community service. They plan to meet every Tuesday from 12 noon until 1:15 p.m. At present there are 18 members.

Mr. Brown was a charter member of the Helena Rotary and comes to Townsend to be a charter member here. The intentions of the club are service to the community in which they are working, international service and understanding by working with the many clubs throughout the world.


“Toston News”

Roxy Kolberg was guest of honor at a party celebrating her sixth birthday Saturday afternoon. The guests were Eddie Spatzierath, Dickie Berberet, Bobby Flynn, Jeannie Greaves, Judy and Joyce Johnson, Aleah and and Alan Wilcox, Sandra Cook, Arnie and Carla Kolberg. After an afternoon of games, refreshments were served by Roxy’s mother Mrs. Carl Kolberg and Roxy was presented with birthday gifts.

The 4-H Kitchen Klub girls entertained their mothers at a luncheon at the home of Carol Byers on Thursday afternoon. Five mothers, Mrs. Bill Flynn, Mrs. Frank Byers, Mrs. George Flynn, Mrs. Howard Wallace and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and one Grandmother, Mrs. C.V. Flynn attended.

“Radersburg News”

Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Castleberry and children, Joyce and David, from St. Louis, Mo. Came out last Monday to spend the week visiting sisters, Mrs. Jack Ralls and family and Minnie Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Crum and daughter Mahala of Missoula and Carolann, Evelyn and Linda Crum, Rita Richtmyer and Robert Williams all of Townsend were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Seaman and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Art Sitton and family, Sandra Dennis and Sue, of Bozeman were Sunday visitors in Radersburg.


“Toston Briefs”

Sunday dinner guests at the Byron Johnsons were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johnson of Boulder and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Noyd and children, Linda, Freddie and Jeffery, of Townsend.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berberet are spending the week in Glendive. They will attend the wedding of Delores Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ross and will also visit the following families in Glendive: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ekland, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Slagavolt, Mr. and Mrs. George Granmore and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schneider and their families. The ladies are all sisters of Mrs. Berberet.

Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson visited in Bighole with Mr. and Mrs. George Rauser, Eddie’s father, on business.

Mr. and Mrs. C.V. Flynn and Louise went to Livingston Sunday to attend a reunion of the Sharp family.

“Local News”

Mrs. Bendicka Fuhs has moved from her home on Front Street to an apartment in the Foss triplex on North Maple. Continental Oil Co. has an option on her place as a possible site for a service station.

Logan Davis and sons, Lance and Scott, were inspecting elk hunting territory in the Grassy-Dry Creek area Labor Day and saw lots of game – 4 elk, 12 deer, sage hen, grouse, one mink. No bear was sighted this trip, but a week ago they saw a large bear in the Dry Creek Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alley and baby daughter, Rachel, of Missoula spent the Labor Day weekend in Townsend with Bruce’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Alley and family.

Cactus Sherwood took his two sons, Skipper and Carl, Steve Valentine and Dave Totah into the Boulder Lakes Labor Day and reports a good catch of fish.

Miss Becky Loney of Great Falls was a guest last week of Larry in the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heberle.


“Toston briefs”

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Plummer attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kolberg Sunday.

Ed Townsley of Spokane stopped Tuesday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hargrove.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Stubblefield in Clancy Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berberet, Jean and Jane attended the wedding of Mrs. Berberet’s niece Miss Bonnie Ekland in Glendive Saturday, Sept. 2. On their return trip they attended the Sunday and Monday sessions of the Knothead Jamboree at Old faithful in Yellowstone Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Plummer enjoyed dinner at the Golden Cache in Helena Thursday.


“Radersburg School Reunion was Popular”

Smiles, tears, stories, memories were all characteristic Sunday at the first Radersburg School Days get together. One hundred seventy five persons registered for the event. “And even though a number of us only live a few miles apart, we had not seen each other in years,” said Hazel Holling.

According to Mrs. Holling, “A highlight of the day was to have Mr. Russell Matsler present. He taught in 1914 and again in 1916.” He, accompanied by his wife, came up from Oakland, California to attend. His pleasure in seeing so many of his old students was evident. Another teacher, Beulah (Hufford) Sitton from Billing was also present.

A number of school pictures were on display, the oldest of which was taken in 1896 in which Royal Smith and Mary Grandchamp are the subjects.

Charles Holling, acted as Master of ceremonies and introduced the special guests and teachers. Mary Grandcamp and Royal Smith were the two oldest students in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Matsler came the farthest. Adding merriment to the day was the 6-piece orchestra of Mockels from Helena. They played later in the afternoon and throughout the evening. They were accompanied on the violin by Scotty Bomar from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho who came especially for the event.

With the tables cleared from the floor of the IOOF Hall, dancing began and was enjoyed throughout the evening.

All present had a wonderful time and expressed how happy they were to have come.