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Summer FFA Update
Author: Kaitlyn Noyes, FFA

Summer FFA Update

Kaitlyn Noyes


Summer Meeting:

This summer we had a scheduled FFA meeting on July 25th, with an officer meeting at 5 pm

where we met at the fairgrounds and restained the picnic tables in preparation for the fair. Afterward, we

had a member meeting at Heritage Park, with a dinner of hamburgers.

Items on the agenda included no old business or committee reports, a few member reports on

SAEs, and a member report on WLC from Kayla Kraft. New business covered whether we wanted to do

something at the fair, but since it was on such short notice we decided to put our time towards another

item of business, chapter t-shirts.

While at our officer retreat on August 7th-9th, we will decide on a

design from our officers, and get them made for the school year to be purchased.

Announcements included a reminder to continue to schedule your SAE visits if you haven't done

so already, and an announcement of our August Meeting/Welcome Back BBQ on August 15th, 2023.

Broadwater County Fair:

The week of August 1st-5th was the 60th annual Broadwater County Fair! This exciting week

featured livestock, indoor entries, rodeos, vendors, and live entertainment. Kaitlyn Noyes represented

FFA and her SAEs by showing her 2 breeding heifers and 2 market steers, in addition to her 4-H sheep

and swine.

At the weigh-in, her 2 steers weighed 1375 and 1371 lbs. Both received multiple purple ribbons in all

of their classes, and they ended up with reserve champion market steer, 3rd place showmanship, and her

heifers received grand and reserve champion breeding beef.

This is her first year in breeding beef, and her second year in the beef project. While it’s always a

full week at the fair, she always enjoys showing off the projects that she’s worked with throughout the

year, and always looks forward to the opportunity and what comes of it.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Kaitlyn Noyes
Image 1 Caption: ?
Image 2 Caption: ?
Image 3 Caption: Reserve Champion Market Beef Photo Credits: Kaitlyn Noyes