Three Forks City Council
Author: Eliza McLaughlin
Three Forks City Council Wrap-Up
During its Oct. 11 meeting, the Three Forks City Council was approached via a letter by Magris Talc requesting assistance with a federal grant application that would improve the safety of the pedestrian crossing on the Montana Rail Links track near Bench Road and Old Yellowstone Trail. The letter, signed by Magris Talc’s Director Pat Downey and Talc Operations Controller Jan Lien, explained that the company plans to use the funds to improve the crossing in preparation for the construction of softball fields in the area, which will serve as the Three Forks High School’s softball facility.
“The Three Forks Fast Pitch and Three Forks Baseball organizations have approached Magris Talc requesting permission to use a portion of company land south of the railroad crossing on Bench Road to build baseball and softball fields. There is a high level of community support for this project,” read the letter. Additionally, Magris stated that they support the project because it would improve safety around incoming and outgoing truck traffic.
Although the letter initially requests a letter of support from the city, it later suggests that the grant is more likely to be approved if submitted by the city. Council President Gene Townsend voiced concern with taking on another grant application since the city is already working on the FEMA floodplain grant.
No decision was made during the meeting allowing the council to discuss the project and grant. Magris Talc has yet to apply for a conditional-use permit for the construction of baseball and softball fields.
Slower speeds roll towards Three Forks
The City Council also discussed the possibility of reducing the speed limit in various areas around town from 25 miles per hour to 15. Susan Swimley, the Three Forks city attorney, informed the board that without an engineering study backing up the decision, it would be difficult to enforce the speed change except near parks and schools. Townsend reminded the council and those in attendance that a Bozeman school teacher was recently struck and killed by a vehicle running a red light, reinforcing his belief in the need for improved traffic safety. The council unanimously voted to research the cost of an engineering study and discussed the installation of stop signs throughout the city.