The 2023 Broadwater County Fair
 | Author: Jessica Erickson, Fair Manager Broadwater County Fair Manager |
The 2023 Broadwater County Fair
Jessica Erickson
Fair Manager
The Broadwater County Fair and Rodeo week has wrapped up after another successful year! Thank you to our community for helping make our events successful year after year! The Broadwater County Fair Board would like to extend many, many thanks to all involved in the ‘behind the scenes’ aspects of putting on such an event. Until you are involved with the fair, it is hard to understand the work required to prepare, set up, maintain and tear down the grounds!
First of all, the sponsors that help us to fund the activities at the fair. We have a limited budget so the sponsors help us fund the entertainment we provide during the fair. Things like the bouncy house, the entertainment under the tent, the free STEAM activities, Stick Horse Rodeo, the face painting booth, and help to offset the cost of the concert.
I’m sure anyone who went to the fair noticed the big blue and white striped tent! This tent takes many hands and one fearless leader to get standing up and secured! We had plenty of helpers to hold up poles, drive stakes, and tie off the ropes. Thank you!
Another part of the fair that requires many hands is the exhibit building. From setting up and decorating to checking in the entries, organizing the exhibits, judging and ribboning and then entering all of the results. The work doesn’t stop there! We have many people helping with straightening up the building and sweeping daily then helping to get things cleaned up on the last day. Thank you!
Hopefully, everyone had a chance to take a stroll through the exhibit building! There was lots to see in there. Congratulations to all of our Best of Show winners:
Bryl Newman, Melissa Meissner, Alexandra Bakken (2), Tancy McDaniel, Cael O’Dell, Audrey Martin, Kyra Heggen (2), Joy O’Hern, Tessie Hughes (2), Karter Schmaus, Doug O’Hern, Sawyer Harrigfeld, Tayla Snapp, Hogan Krebs, Sheree Beauchamp, Ruby Johnson, Bryleigh Erickson and Bailey Taves.
We had a final entry count this year of 363 Open Class entries and 553 4-H Indoor entries. The fair board paid out a total of $2650.00 in ribbon premiums this year! Remember to keep your ears and eyes open next year to get your entries in. The fair books are available the first week of May and the fair entry deadline is usually around July 6th.
I would also like to sincerely thank our Broadwater County Fair Board members - Val Hornsveld, Karen Noyes, Lauren Reiser, Tayla Snapp, Sheila Stenzel and our commissioner liaison Lindsey Richtmyer.
We start planning for the Fair as soon as the previous one is over! Long meetings, lots of follow-ups, finding and sharing entertainment and vendors, and then coordinating all of the things happening at the fairgrounds during fair week.
Hope to see everyone again next year!
Jessica Erickson- Broadwater County Fair Manager