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Broadwater Cattlemomen host Yearly Wrap-up event
Author: Melanie Kimpton Weyant

Broadwater CattleWomen to host a Yearly Wrap- Up Event

By: Melanie Kimpton Weyant

October marks the beginning of a new year for the Broadwater County CattleWomen and to kick it off we are hosting an event at Canyon Ferry Brewery on October 26th. The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a bit of socializing and heavy appetizers. Our speakers will begin at about 6:00 p.m. starting with Montana CattleWomen President-Elect, cattle buyer, and rancher, Suze Boleen, who will speak about the MTCW and a small market outlook. At 6:30 p.m. Trina Jo Bradley from Rocky Mountain Front Ranchland Group will speak about her work with the Grizzly Bear Advisory Board. This event is open and free for all to attend.

To recap, CattleWomen had another busy and productive year as things are starting to look more like they did pre-covid! We had a float in the Parade of lights at the 2021 Christmas Stroll and a booth set up that only partly blew away in what may have been the windiest stroll to date.

We made and served over 70 tasty roast beef sandwiches for the 6th Grade Conservation field trip in May and participated in Ag Days with Cattlewomen members hosting two of the stations and the wonderful Miss Moo the Dairy cow making her 2nd appearance. We were happy to provide Senior Colton Noyes with our annual $500 scholarship and can’t wait to see how he makes the industry better.

Things slowed down for the group in the summer as work on the ranch sped up for everyone, but we did manage to get together for our annual Pot-Luck in June at The Ferrat Ranch! Tasty food and camaraderie are just the ticket at that time of year.

As August came along, so did all things Fair and Rodeo! This year not only did we host an event under the tent where we gave out free meatball samples as well as many other goodies from the “Beef It’s What’s for Dinner” store, we also sold meatball subs on Saturday and Sunday which ended up being a great little fundraiser for us. We are grateful for the support and funding from State CattleWomen and Beef Checkoff to make both of those events a possibility for us.

Once school started back up, they moved the Conservation Lunch back to the fall, so in September we made sandwiches again and served over 60 meatball subs to the 6th graders as well as their teachers and the presenters.

As wonderful as it is to look at what we’ve done, I am most excited about what we are hoping to do in the future! We have goals to host a farm-to-table event showcasing as much of the wonderful food grown and raised right here in Broadwater County as we possibly can. We would also love nothing more than to bump that annual scholarship up to $1,000 or offer two $500 scholarships every year. Broadwater is full of so many dedicated and talented students that love Ag and we want to support them in every way we can! We would also love to bring more speakers in and host more events that benefit our local producers as well as promote beef.

We hope you will join us Wednesday, October 26th for our event (RSVPs to Melanie at 406-459-3067 are appreciated but not required!) and we hope you will consider renewing or beginning your CattleWomen personal or business membership.