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Kyle Williams Plays a Mean Guitar


Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent
MT43 News Correspondent

Kyle Williams Plays a Mean Guitar

Dee Gannon

MT43 News Correspondent

Kyle Williams is out on his own; and Friday, under the tent at the Fair proved it a decent decision. Even after not performing for a few months, Williams proved he hasn’t lost his touch. He had the audience engaged, as he played country, rockabilly, and rock & roll; with a smattering of hymns on his electric acoustic-style, 6-string guitar.

He has played in a few bands; including Helena Handbasket, a band begun by his parents, Jim and Terry Gunderson (who own Goose Bay Glass) who play fiddle and other instruments.

Williams, himself, plays guitar, mandolin, bass and even drums. If there were more of him, he could be his own band. He had listeners tapping their feet and singing along. Fun is how this reporter classified his performance. Hopefully, you, my readers, will be able to enjoy hearing him in the future.

He finished his set by playing the first song he learned, La Bamba. Williams has hundreds of songs in his repertoire; but the audience was only treated to a few, as time allowed. Maybe he will be invited to more gigs around as a result.

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PhotoCredit: Dee Gannon
Image 1 Caption: Kyle Williams Photo Credits: Dee Gannon