Broadwater County Commission Meeting Minutes for 2023/07/26
Author: Angie Paulsen,Broadwater County Clerk and Recorder
Broadwater County Commission Meeting Minutes for 2023/07/26
Angie Paulsen,Broadwate
County Clerk and Recorder
LOCATION: 416 Broadway, Townsend, MT 59644
DATE: July 26, 2023
Commissioner Debi Randolph called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. Commissioners Darrel
Folkvord and Lindsey Richtmyer were also present.
Public comment: None
10:06 AM Nathan Bilyeu of Jackson, Murdo & Grant, P.C. presented Tax Increment
Financing (“TIF”) Pledge Resolution. Craig Rickert of Montana Crossroads discussed the
Targeted Economic Development District (““TEDD”) in Broadwater County. Maps and
printouts are available for viewing at Commission Office. Broadwater Deputy County
Attorney Jania Hatfield commented regarding the wastewater system. Commissioner
Richtmyer commented. Bilyeu commented regarding TIF. Rickert commented. Bilyeu
commented. Commissioner Richtmyer commented regarding committing funds. Bilyeu will
work with Rickert to provide more detailed information. David Sigler with Bridger Brewing
10:45 AM Broadwater County Community Planning and Development Director Nichole
Brown presented Leep Family Transfer Section 23, TZN, RIE. Proposed language for
COS’s regarding The Montana Subdivision and Platting Act (MSPA) was read into the
record. Hatfield commented. Bernadette Swenson with Schauber Surveying commented.
Hatfield commented. Commissioner Folkvord moved to approve the Leep family transfer
Commissioner Richtmyer seconded and carried.
11:02 AM Director Brown announced the Public Hearing for Rolling Glen Ranch is August
1, 2023, 6 PM — 8 PM in the Flynn Building.
Commissioner Folkvord moved to approve July 12, 2023, Minutes. Commissioner Richtmyer
seconded and carried.
Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve July 19, 2023, 2023, Minutes. Commissioner
Folkvord seconded and carried.
Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve claims in the amount of $60,365.98
Commissioner Folkvord seconded and carried.
Commissioner Folkvord moved to approve payroll claims in the amount of $16,879.17
Commissioner Richtmyer seconded and carried.
Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve claims in the amount of $9,318.75
Commissioner Folkvord seconded and carried.
Commissioner Folkvord moved to approve claims in the amount of $29,060.51
Commissioner Richtmyer seconded and carried.
Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve claims in the amount of $20,778.79
Commissioner Folkvord seconded and carried.
11:10 AM Commissioner Randolph announced the Solid Waste Public meeting August
7, 2023, at the Flynn Building.
Communications Received: TIF/TEDD MCA print out of costs that may be paid by Tax
Increment Financing, Map of Montana Crossroads — Utilities Map, Map of Montana
Crossroads — Roadways, Certificate of Survey Exemption Affidavit Broadwater County
Gift or Sale to Immediate Family Member Leep Family, and proposed language for The
Montana Subdivision and Platting Act (MSPA).
Present at the meeting were Nancy Marks with MT43 News, Bernadette Swenson with
Schauber Surveying, and Public Works Supervisor TJ Graveley.
Meeting adjourned at 11:13 AM. The next regular Commissioner Meeting will be held August 2,
2023, at 10:00 AM.
Commissioner Chairwoman
Clerk and Recorder