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Stepping On Falls Prevention Class
Author: Michele Mathot, Rocky’s Agency on Aging -

Stepping On Falls Prevention Class

Michele Mathot

Rocky’s Agency on Aging

Rocky's Agency on Aging will be holding our next Stepping On Falls Prevention class in September.

Pre-registration is required and folks who may be interested in the class (held at the Helena Senior Center) can call Michele Mathot or email her for all the details.

Also, anyone interested in becoming a Stepping On facilitator for their local community can contact Michele as well.

For more information contact Michele Mathot at:

Phone: (406) 441-3985

Or email her at:

Rock's Agency on Aging will be visiting the Townsend Senior Center on August 15 at 11:00 am

Article Images

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PhotoCredit: Rocky's Agency on Aging
Image 1 Caption: Rocky Mountain Development Corporation logo
Image 2 Caption: Stepping On Falls Prevention