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Townsend Trees Planted for Special Purposes


Patrick Plantenberg, Tree Board Chair
Townsend Tree Board Chair, Townsend Rotary Club

Townsend Trees Planted for Special Purposes

Patrick Plantenberg

Tree Board Chair

This is the third of a series of articles about trees planted in Townsend and Broadwater County to honor people, special events, or for other purposes.

The Tree Board hopes people will come forward with more information on other trees planted on public as well as private property so the tree and its purpose can be documented.

11) Tilia x flavescens ‘Dropmore’, Dropmore Linden; planted in Heritage Park

• The memorial tree was planted in May 2007 in memory of Hilma White, a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. She was active in the Townsend Garden Club, Canton Valley Womens’ Club, Eastern Star, United Methodist Church, and Bridge Club. The tree was planted by Rotary Club members and the Tree Board. The tree was paid for by the family. The tree is located west of the playground equipment and is the middle one of three Lindens. The tree is in good condition.

12) Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’, Canada Red Chokecherry; planted at 131 S. Cedar Street.

• This was the first tree planted by the Tree Board under the new Right Tree Right Place Program in 2006 funded by the City Council to reduce the city’s liability from undesirable trees in poor condition. The new tree is in good condition.

13) Sorbus decora Showy Mountain Ash; planted in Veteran’s Park.

• The memorial tree was planted on Join Hands Day May 6, 2007, in memory of Patrick Hooks, husband, father, grandfather, and friend. Planted by the family, Rotary, American Legion, Boy Scout troops 231 and 235 and the Tree Board. The tree was funded by the family. The tree is located east of the sidewalk.

The tree is dying from fireblight like so many other mountain ash trees in Townsend and needs to be replaced in 2024. In 2024, when a new tree is planted it will be rededicated to both Patrick and Mary Hooks. Mary Hooks passed away on Arbor Day weekend, April 29th, 2023.

14) Tilia x flavescens ‘Dropmore’, Dropmore Linden; planted in Gazebo Park.

• This tree was planted in 2007 to replace a hybrid cottonwood planted by Tree Board member Bill Berberet and the Toston Blue Ribbon 4-H Club. The cottonwood was getting too big for the location and was removed as part of the Right Tree Right Place Program. The tree is in good condition.

15) Crataegus x mordenensis 'Snowbird', Snowbird Hawthorn; planted south of the Community Library.

• This tree was planted on April 29, 2011, by Cecelia Hazelton Elementary School 5th-grade students to honor the 2011 Arbor Day poster contest winners. The first-place winner was Lainie Hill, one of Aubra Lewis’s students. The tree is located south of the Community Library. The tree was paid for by an MT DNRC Arbor Day Grant. The tree is in good condition.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Pat Plantenberg
Image 1 Caption: Planted in memoriam for Hilma White Photo Credits: Pat Plantenberg