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Backyards Tour Offers More Than Garden Tips


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Backyards Tour Offers More Than Garden Tips

MT 43 News Staff

Backyards of Broadwater, a self-guided yard and garden tour of Broadwater County provides an opportunity to network with others and share lessons along the way, according to the MSU-Extension brochure handed out with the tour on Saturday, July 29. Kelly and Jeff Garrard whose garden was one of the tour stops, showed participants the result of drying, pickling and canning their garden produce.

The stay-at-home mom of five children, now grown, got interested in feeding her family with home-grown food. Raised in Paradise, California, Kelly and Jeff moved to Broadwater County in 1998. But, she had no background in gardening or husbandry. She now has a micro-dairy, the milk from which she makes her own cheese. She also raises meat and egg chickens, along with keeping up a huge garden. “ I took a traditional cooking course from Weston A Price Foundation online. It was fun learning to ferment vegetables and make broths. It was all what I call “real food,” Kelly said.

The Garrards’ latest addition to real food production is a food dryer which freezes the vegetables, then vacuums the moisture from them. Kelly provided examples of freeze-dried celery and celery powder. She showed how the freeze-dried celery soaked in water or broth for two minutes, is as fresh and flavorful as it was on the stalk. The celery powder she uses in soups and salads or as a meat rub.

Kelly gave her husband, Jeff, much credit for getting her started each spring. “Jeff does all the rototilling and building the raised gardens. Plus, he encourages me when my cabbage gets ruined by cabbage moths!” she said.

Jeff explained they put all the unused produce back on the soil, to deteriorate over winter. In the spring he adds livestock manure, then rototills the entire thing under. Jeff works in Bozeman for Fleet Restoration as a manager, so commutes during the week.

Extension Agent Alison Costo, Master Gardeners Terey Artz and Becky Flynn organize the tour which has been a part of Broadwater County’s summer programs for seven years. This year highlighted seven gardens both in Townsend and rural areas from Toston to Radersburg. Proceeds from the $5 tickets and sponsorship funds go to support local horticulture and beautification projects in the county.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Jeff and Kelly Garrard at their gardens and farm on Flynn Lane near Toston. Photo Credits: Nancy Marks
Image 2 Caption: Kelly shares her techniques in vegetable canning, fermenting and drying products from 2022. Photo Credits: Nancy Marks