Court Beat - July 28
 | Author: Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News Correspondent |
Court Beat - July 28
Dee Gannon
MT43 News Correspondent
The criminal docket in Judge Christopher Abbott’s courtroom on Friday, July 28 is as follows:
Vivian Cooper was scheduled for a Pre-Trial Conference but will appear for a Change of Plea on August 11.
Rodney Wilson had a Status Hearing. He is a fugitive from California; but has criminal possession of dangerous drugs charges in both Missoula and Broadwater Counties. The attorneys have decided on a ‘global’ disposition before extradition back to California to face very serious charges, where two warrants were issued. His bond is set at $250,000. He will be in court again on August 25.
Forrest Martens was scheduled for a Pre-Trial Conference. However, he waived his speedy trial; so, new dates were set. His new Pre-Trial Conference is December 29; with the Jury Trial scheduled for January 22, 2024.
Everett Meirow had and Initial Appearance and Arraignment; pleading Not Guilty to felony child endangerment and criminal possession of dangerous drugs. He signed a waiver of extradition. Omnibus is due on September 22; Pre-Trial is set for December 29; with the Jury Trial scheduled for January 22, 2024. He is released on his own recognizance.
Jeremiah Howe had a Pre-Trial Conference. His Jury Trial is scheduled for August 21.
Julie Humphries was to have a Pre-Trial Conference; however, they are awaiting Dr. Smelko’s report. Her new Pre-Trial is set for December 29; with the Jury Trial scheduled for January 22, 2024.
Ronald Kruesmark was to have a Pre-Trial Conference; however, he is set for a Change of Plea on August 25.
Ashley Collins had an Initial Appearance and Arraignment; pleading Not Guilty to child endangerment and criminal possession of dangerous drugs. Pending conflict counseling. Omnibus is due September 2; Pre-Trial is set for December 29; with the Jury Trial scheduled for January 22, 2024. She and her co-defendant, Everett Meirow will be tried together.
Brian Whittecar will have his Pre-Trial Conference on December 29; with the Jury Trial scheduled for January 22, 2024.
Steven Barnes will have his Pre-Trial Conference on December 29; with the Jury Trial scheduled for January 22.
Tylor Castona had an Initial Appearance and Arraignment; pleading Not Guilty to two separate cases. The first case, charges are ct 1) partner/family member assault; ct 2) partner/family member assault, with the threat of bodily injury; ct 3) partner/family member assault; ct 4) assault on a minor; ct 5) Negligent Endangerment; ct 6) obstructing a police officer.
The second case is charges of ct 1) incest ct 2) tampering with witnesses or informants; ct 3) tampering with or fabrication of evidence. On the second charge, he has already paid bonds totaling $36,000. One the first case, he has a bond of $15,000. Cory Swanson, County Attorney, argued for the bond; saying he is a true danger to the community. As of June 7, he has accrued multiple new charges; including, leaving the scene of an accident. He MAY NOT come into Broadwater County for any reason, except to drive through it in order to get to White Sulphur Springs for work. Even then, he has to check in at Broadwater County Sheriff’s Office, after work. He must be fitted with a GPS; and, must either do the 24/7 program or do breath testing twice daily. He must inform his bondsman of his agenda. The Judge admonished Castona, saying, “If you violate at all, your bond WILL be revoked.” Omnibus is due October 13; Pre-Trial is set for January 12, 2024; with the Jury Trial scheduled for February 5.
Hope Lee appeared for a Change of Plea. Per the Plea Agreement, she pleads Guilty to DUI drugs (enhanced by having a passenger under the age of 16) and speeding. In her elocution, on July 2, she operated a motor vehicle in Broadwater County after consuming marijuana. She had her son, (under the age of 16) with her as she exceeded the 70mph speed limit on a public highway. She is Sentenced on the enhanced DUI, $1,000, with credit time served of three days at $75/day. She must pay $70 for speeding. She may not drive with anyone under the age of 16 (save for her traveling home to Great Falls). She may apply for a probationary license. She must pay $250 to the Office of Public Defender and $80 fees and surcharges.