This Day In History - August 10
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation"
August 10
“Canton Valley News”
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Daniels motored to Great Falls on Wednesday to take their son, Wm. Howard, and nephew, Wm. Eddie Daniels, to the north Montana state fair at Great Falls to enter their respective contests of stock judging and state band contest for music.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hardgrove motored to Helena last Friday to assist their daughter, who was preparing to leave her duties at the county agent’s office for a two week vacation She took the train for Butte where she met her two cousins from Stevensville, Mildred and Dorothy Hagen, and two of their girlfriends. The five young ladies will motor via Salt Lake City to Los Angeles and to San Francisco to the Golden Gate exposition, from there they will go to Spokane and then back to Helena.
Miss Mildred Weiferich and sister Frances of Helena and Misses Helen and Josephine Meyers of Winston and Leona Holting of Helena left for the Yellowstone National Park on Thursday of last week and returned on Saturday evening The girls report having had a wonderful trim.
Rep. and Mrs. Guy Kirscher were Bozeman visitors on Wednesday of this week.
“Town Talk Takes Second on Ice Cream at Fair”
The Town Talk won second place on vanilla ice cream at the North Montana State Fair held in Great Falls last week.
According to tests made by the state officials, the Town Talk ice cream made a rating of 93 ¾ . The highest rating was 94. According to the rules the highest passible rating could have been 95.
Chas. Adams, owner and manager of the Town Talk, exhibited his product at the fair.
“Townsend News”
Phyllis Kieckbusch was hostess Thursday evening entertaining several of her friends at a party in celebration of her 15th birthday. Her guests were Shirley Tintinger, Genevive Farrow, Mary White, Anne Sweeney, Willisanne Frey, Nan Ragen, Mary Sweeney and Marjorie Kieckbusch.
“Townsend Team Places Third in Sheridan Tourney”
Townsend’s Little League All Stars went down to defeat in the first game of the Sheridan tournament Saturday afternoon at the hands of a tough Dillon team by a score of 16 to 4. In the second game Saturday, the Vigilante All Stars, composed of the best players from the Ruby Valley league (Sheridan, Whitehall, Twin Bridges, Virginia City and Ennis) defeated the second Dillon entry 9 to 8.
Sunday the two losers, Dillon and Townsend played the first game, with the Townsend All Stars winning the game 9 to 8 for third place in the tourney.
The Vigilante All Stars met Dillon II in the second game Sunday for the championship, with the Vigilante boys defeating their opponents 11 to 6 for first place.
Members of the Townsend Little League All Star team making the trip to Sheridan are: Dale Sprout, Jim Ragen, Joe Jepson, Lance Davis, Mike Perry, Bill Duede, Steve Lambert, Danny Davey, Tim Evans, Jerry Bucy, Brad Tarrant, Tim Ragen, Nathan Bieber, Fred Moudree and Chuck Landon.
“Winston-Clasoil News”
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hohn went to Stevensville and Hamilton over the weekend to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Sandman.
David Clark accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Finn to the Stampede in Helena Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Diehl attended the Stampede on Friday.
Mrs. Kenneth (Mary) Larson of Norfolk, Nebr., visited with her father, Art Diehl, in Townsend and with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Diehl and other relatives recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cobban and children attended the stampede in Helena on Sunday.
“Local News”
“Nancy Fryhling on 4-H Trip to Minnesota”
Miss Nancy Fryhling left Saturday to attend the Danebod Folk School at Tyler, Minn. While there she will attend classes in crafts, including lettering, wood carving and several other handicrafts. She is attending as a Junior Leader of 4-H, with other 4-H members from Montana. Nancy was chosen for the trip by judges in Bozeman on the basis of her 4-H record book and was awarded the trip from her application for this school.
“Rodeo News”
Miss Joanne Slifka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Slifka, was crowned Miss Townsend Rodeo, 1978 by Robin Williams Vandolah.
Elaine Graveley received a special award from MRA leader, Tom Holland
Jody Pate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tex Pate was Miss Broadwater Western Days, 1978
Other headlines for the rodeo that year were:
“Local Broadwater Rodeo Winners”; "Kids’ Parade Was Biggest Ever”; “Saturday and Sunday Rodeo Winners”; “Rodeo Parade”
“Toston-Crow Creek/South of Townsend News”
Congratulations to Joanne Slifka on winning the crown of Rodeo Queen.
Shay, Shawn, Whitney and Lisa Diehl attended the local rodeo Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Flynn and Kyle of Sheridan, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flynn, and family over the weekend. Most of them attended the rodeo.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Plummer and Gladys VanVliet attended the rodeo Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris hosted a birthday dinner for Helen and Ron Harris Saturday evening. Bill’s sister, Barb, and Allen Gullickson were also there. Afterwards they all went to the rodeo.
Tom Sweeney of Kodiak, Alaska is here visiting with friends and relatives. Sunday evening he hosted a dinner party at the Fireside Lounge and Supper Club. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Booher, Mrs. W.J. Booher, Randy Booher and Tom Sweeney’s mother were among those who attended.
Chris, Lillian, Twila and Doug Arden went to the Gates of the Mountains Monday. They really enjoyed it. They did see one deer grazing on the hillside.