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This Day In History


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Museum Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and

The “Cotter Foundation”

August 3


“Town Promoting Garbage Removal for Sanitation”

A progressive and health promoting movement is being considered by the town council at the present time, which if put in operation will provide an adequate removal and disposal of garbage.

The matter was deferred from the Tuesday night meeting until a special meeting is called on August 15th, according to City Clerk Frank T. Hooks at which time it will be determined whether or not the residents of the town are willing to have the extra small tax levy made to finance such a project. Until that meeting, the city authorities are making inquiries among property owners who would be serviced. It is not known what the levy would be, but reasonably small.

Negotiations are also being made with the county commissioners to purchase ground on which to make a permanent dumping place and do away with unsightly and promiscuous dumping of garbage and trash on the hillsides and along highways as has been so disgracefully practiced by Townsend people in the past.


“Townsend Briefs”

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doig left Sunday morning for a vacation trip to Seattle and will visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Tarabochia at a beach near Seattle. On their return they will be accompanied by their son, David, who has been visiting his sister.

Sgt. and Mrs. Michael Gabisch arrived from Omaha, Neb. During the week and on Saturday, Sgt. Gabish left from the Great Falls air base for assignment in Alaska and other points. Mrs. Gabisch is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Luna, at present.

Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. William Ulmer and children motored to Virginia City recently.

Mrs. Charles Shaw and Mrs. Jack Broderick were in Helena last Thursday as dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Shaw’s son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Broderick, on the occasion of Mr. Broderick’s birthday anniversary. Fried chicken, new potatoes, garden peas and raspberry shortcake, all fresh out of the Shaw garden, made up the anniversary feast to say nothing of the side dishes.


“Local News”

Mrs. Lee Beers of Judith Gap is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe Kirscher, and family this week. Mr. Beers will join them over the weekend.

Mrs. James W. Kearns, Mrs. Paul Ragen, Mrs. Mike Massa and Mrs. Zeal Van Voast were luncheon guests of Mrs. Joe Braley in Manhattan Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whitten and children left this morning for Iowa where they will visit relatives at various points. They plan to return about the 17th.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buckingham were in Great Falls Saturday helping their son, Larry Bomar, and family move to Helena where Larry is employed in Rosie’s Barber Shop.

Laurie and Lisa Lanning are visiting relatives in Bozeman this week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Blaker and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dodge of Colesburg, Iowa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duede, Sr. and Bill Duede, Jr. over the weekend. The ladies are nieces of Bill Duede, Sr.


“Toston Briefs”

Don Miller, Jema and Gary were Bozeman business visitors Monday.

Miss Janice Van Vliet spent the weekend at the Louis Anzik home.

Mrs. Art Jersey, Susan and Lee Ann visited Mrs. Jersey’s mother, Mrs. Lucile Palmer in Livingston Monday. Susan and Lee Ann remained for a longer visit with their grandmother.

Misses Debbie Clark, Jean Berberet and Barbara Berberet participated in the Dress Revue held July 25. There will be a public showing on Thursday, Aug. 10.

“Local News”

Mr. and Mrs. Royal Smith of St. Ignatius are spending some time here with his sister, Miss Salome Smith. They have their trailer parked at the Shady Rest Trailer Park. Don Smith of Helena joined them Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ragen, Connie, Tom and Richard have returned after a week long trip to Burns Lake, British Columbia, where they visited Mrs. Ragen’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed and family. Kathy Ragen, who had been visiting her uncle and aunt, returned home with her parents.

Mrs. Alida J. Swarts returned home Saturday from Santa Rosa, Calif., where she had been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Pat Cormier and Mr. Cormier. Mrs. Swarts met the U.S.S. Hancock, aircraft carrier returning from Vietnamese waters at Alameda Naval Base. Her grandson, Howard “Skip” Luhr, of Metaline Falls, Wash., who had been serving in Vietnam, returned home aboard the ship. Mrs. Swarts flew to Billings where she was met by her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Biggs and two children, and they returned by train.


“Radersburg News”

Edna Puttin and Mary Jane Colby got uppity and went to Bozeman shopping Tuesday. While there, they also visited Edna’s sister, Grace Melton. Edna couldn’t seem to get it out of her system, so shopped in Townsend on Friday.

Thursday, Charlie Hough tagged along to Helena with George and Ruby Hough to get some shopping done. When they got home, Hazel joined them for a game of cards. Too bad fellers but Cactus Sam heerd by the grapevine that “you got the sox beat off you by those gals”.

Calling at the home of Ida Smith on Sunday were Hazel Holling and Pearl Barraugh of Townsend, also Mrs. Marion Toma and her friend from Three Forks.

Allen, Debbie and Bobby Smith, Dewey and Phyllis Mosier and children, Brian, Dewey Jr., and Tanya Rose enjoyed cooling off by water tubing on the river Sunday afternoon.

Dewey Mosier visited his family at the home of his brother-in-law, Alan Smith, over the weekend. Dewey is employed on construction in Helena. The family also visited Rose Baxter in Toston Sunday.

Topsy Ralls arrived Saturday evening to spend the weekend at the home of Jack and Jean Ralls. She also assisted with the barbecue on Sunday. Terry Eaton and two daughters drove out from Helena to spend Sunday with the family.

Barbara Harris spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Helen Harris, and with her brother, Ronnie. She also visited the Bill Harris home and other kinfolk.