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Nancy Marks, Reporter
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor


Nancy Marks


The regular meeting on July 19 was a short one for the Commissioners as Chairwoman Debi Randolph was absent and the Montana Department of Revenue Public Meeting began at noon.

Legislative House District 64 representative Jane Gillette of Gallatin County reported during public comments that she had attended a broadband meeting with the Governor’s Office. Mark Blaisdell of the Governor’s office mentioned that Broadwater County was way up on their agenda because the broadband service in the county was so low.

Interim chairman Darrel Folkvord and Commissioner Lyndsey Richtmyer discussed renewing a lease with the Montana Department of Revenue (MDR) which currently has an office in the Court House. Richtmyer expressed her opinion that having an MDR office in Townsend is highly beneficial so residents can deal directly with someone in the department about their taxes. MDR pays $3,000 annually for the space.

John and Mary Heinemann, 210 Hope Drive, are asking the county to allow three alleyways, two streets and an un-owned area in Springville Townsite to be abandoned. Deputy Clerk and Recorder Mandy Hall presented the request for the appointment of Great West Engineering to survey along with the county surveyor and Commissioner Debi Randolph as liaison. Mrs. Heinemann explained the abandoned areas will be absorbed into the adjacent lots. The board approved the appointments.

Canyon Ferry Trust Fund board member Steve McCullough requested that the Trust board be allowed to transfer monies to their county recreation account in the amount of $100,000. He explained the reason for the transfer is that the Trust Fund account had reached its threshold amount of $ 2.75 million The board approved the request. Folkvord thanked the Trust Fund board for their part in funding the fairgrounds upgrade.

The board approved signing a certification letter to transfer Montana Coal Endowment Program (MCEP) funds for beginning replacing the Old Town Road West Bridge 2 miles north of Three Forks. MCEP funds are matching funds for building infrastructure in qualifying counties. Broadwater County will provide a match to the grant.

A certificate of title for the newly acquired land next to the Municipal Airport was accepted. The board approved the paperwork between Federal Aeronautic Administration (FAA) and Broadwater County to acquire the funds for the land.