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Trees Planted for Special Purposes - Part 2


Patrick Plantenberg, Tree Board Chair
Townsend Tree Board Chair, Townsend Rotary Club

Trees Planted for Special Purposes - Part 2

Patrick Plantenberg

Tree Board Chair

This is the second of a series of articles about trees planted in Townsend and Broadwater County to honor people, special events, or for other purposes.

The Tree Board hopes people will come forward with more information on other trees planted on public as well as private property so the tree and its purpose can be documented.

6) Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’, Canada Red Chokecherry; planted at the Townsend Elementary School, 201 N Spruce Street.

• The tree was planted on July 31, 2008, to honor the memory of Kris Rains, Brett Toney, and Tom Croom by the Class of 1998 students during their 10-year high school class reunion.

The tree was donated by the BCHS Class of 1998. The tree is planted north of the Community Library and was able to be saved during the new school construction in 2022.

A major co-dominant trunk split in a windstorm and was bolted together by Broadwater High School horticultural class students to save the tree in 2023.

7) Betula pendula ‘Dalecarlica’, Dalecarlica Weeping Birch; planted in Veterans Memorial Park.

• The memorial tree was planted on Join Hands Day May 6, 2007, to honor Patrick Hooks, Lawyer, WWII Veteran, and long-term member of the American Legion and Rotary Club. Planted by the family, Rotary, American Legion, Boy Scout troops 231 and 235 and the Tree Board.

The tree was funded by Rotary and a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Jons Hands Day grant. The tree is located east of the sidewalk. The tree is in good condition.

8) Tilia x flavescens ‘Dropmore’, Dropmore Linden; planted in Heritage Park.

• The memorial tree was planted in May 2007 in memory of Hubert Grant White, a gentleman who inspired and promoted the growth of Townsend. Started: along with his business partner, Neifert/White Lumber and Hardware Store, John Deere dealership, and the Townsend Lumber Company. Member of United Methodist Church, Townsend Rotary Club, and Valley Lodge #21 A.F. and A.M. Recognized by the Upper Missouri Water Users Association, National Water Resources Board, and the Montana Wood Products Association.

The tree was planted by Rotary Club members and the Tree Board. The tree was paid for by the Rotary Club. The tree is located northeast of the playground equipment. The tree is in good condition.

9) Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Prairie Silk’, Prairie Silk Honeylocust; planted at 141 S Cedar Street.

• The memorial tree was planted on Mother’s Day 2014 to honor Renee Rausch Ihle, mother of Beth Ihle. The tree was planted by the family and the Tree Board. The tree is in good condition.

10) Syringa reticulata, Japanese Tree Lilac; planted at the Townsend Elementary School, 201 N Spruce Street.

• This memorial tree was planted in May 1996 in memory of 5th Grade Student Ryland Foote by the Class of 2002 when they were 6th Graders. The tree was donated by the Townsend Garden Club. The tree survived the new school construction in 2022. The tree is in good condition.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Credit: Patrick Plantenberg
Image 1 Caption: Weeping birch tree planted in Veterans Park in 2007 for Pat Hooks. Photo Credit: Patrick Plantenberg