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Seventh Annual Broadwater County-Wide Yardsale a huge success


Victor Sample, Missouri Valley Marketing
Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer

Seventh Annual Broadwater County-Wide Yardsale a huge success

Victor Sample

Missouri Valley Marketing

July 22, 2023, was the date of the Seventh Annual Broadwater County-Wide Yard Sale -- and it was a huge success!  In addition to the hundreds of Broadwater County residents that visited the yard sales, there were hundreds more that came from Helena, Butte, Anaconda, Bozeman and as far away as Columbus and Red Lodge!

There were at least 4 groups from our Broadwater County Amish community that came shopping the sales.

This year we had 67 registered yard sales and a number of sales that did not register to be put on the maps.  There were sales in the Silos area, the Golf Course, Toston Area as well as along US Hwy 12 and MT Hwy 284.

Thanks to everyone that participated in the event -- as sellers and as buyers!

The event was organized by Missouri Valley Marketing (MVM). Missouri Valley Marketing is a local volunteer organization that was formed to promote Townsend and Broadwater County tourism.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Vic Sample
Image 1 Caption: Sautter Lane Yard Sale brings in a lot of shoppers. Photo Credits: Vic Sample
Image 2 Caption: Some of the local Amish community attending a yard sale. Photo Credits: Vic Sample