Rodeo Events explained
 | Author: Mikayla Kraft, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News School Correspondent |
Rodeo Events explained
Mikayla Kraft
MT43 News Correspondent
Fair and Rodeo season is underway and people from all over Broadwater County and surrounding areas will pile into the arena stands to watch the cowboys and cowgirls battle it out for the championship buckle in steer wrestling, bareback riding, barrel racing, pole bending, and everything in between. Don’t forget to buy tickets to the Broadwater County Fair and Rodeo and of course the concert of Adam Doleac. Broadwater County is celebrating 60 years of our fair and rodeo this year, and there will surely be a turnout. Many people attend the rodeo but have no clue what is going on. I used to be a part of that group as well. However, it is generally straightforward.
Bull riding has to be one of Broadwater County’s favorites. There are usually loads of contestants and all of the children dream of becoming bull riders even though it is named the most dangerous event. Bull riding seems confusing and the points don’t seem to add up, but there certainly is a meaning behind the scoring. In the event, there are a max possible points of 100 that can be scored. 50 of those points are used in scoring the rider and the other half is used in scoring the bull. Extra points can be gained from spurring technique. A qualified ride is 8 seconds long. If your free hand touches the bull or the equipment it is a disqualification. The main goal of bull riding is to be completely in control of the bull.
Steer wrestling is not as popular in Broadwater County, but is an interesting sport. The goal of steer wrestling is to wrestle the steer so all four legs are up in the air and the steer lays flat on its back. The fastest time wins. There are two cowboys and the steer. One cowboy is called the hazer. He is in charge of keeping the steer running in a straight line to allow the wrestler the ability to grab hold of that steer and its horns. If the steer breaks through the gate barrier before the barrier is released the rider gets a 10-second penalty. It is a tough sport and has more technique than a cowboy falling off of his horse.
Keep an eye out for these events in the rodeo over the end of the month. You will be able to explain to the person next to you how the scoring works and the rodeo will be much more enjoyable!
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Cort Fraker
Image 1 Caption: Practice barrel for bull riding
Photo Credits: Cort Fraker