Shoot for the Cure Montana
| Author: Linda Huth Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
Shoot for the Cure Montana
Linda Huth
This past weekend, July 8 and 9, was the 15th year that The Shoot for the Cure Montana was held at the Huth/Bodle Ranch in the foothills of the Big Belt Mountains. The event is hosted by Mary Huth and Al Bodle.
All of the money raised from this event is donated towards cancer research, in hopes of one day finding a cure and the event has donated thousands of dollars to this cause.
Not only is there a great course for this event, they also serve food; have a wonderful silent auction which offers a huge selection of items to the highest bidder; there is a large raffle with wonderful items offered to the lucky winner, there are well over twenty-five items to take a chance on! Guests are offered free camping for the weekend, what more could you want - right at the foot of Old Baldy!
On Saturday evening they serve a free dinner to their guests!
This event is open to the public and there are archery enthusiasts who come from all over the state and some from the surrounding states.
You don’t have to be an archery enthusiast to enjoy this event. You can enjoy a delicious lunch and have a visit with neighbors and friends. Mark your calendar for next year. It is always the first full weekend in July.
A lot of work goes into this event and Mary and Al would like to express a big thank you to those who volunteer their time and help. Also, a huge thank you to all of the organizations, businesses, and individuals who donate to the silent auction and raffles.
Congratulations and thank you to the hosts for such a wonderful event for such a worthy cause!
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Linda Huth
Image 1 Caption: Mary Huth and Al Bodle
Photo Credits: Linda Huth
Image 2 Caption: Shoot For The Cure Sign
Photo Credits: Linda Huth