Dela Chatriand Receives Award From The International Lions President
Author: Bob Brastrup, Townsend Lions Club
Dela Chatriand Receives Award From The International Lions President
Bob Brastrup
Townsend Lions Club
At a recent club meeting, Montana Lions District Governor Scott Dornfeld, on behalf of the Lions International President, presented Dela Chatriand with the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation for her work on behalf of the Lions organization.
The District Governor stated the Lion's motto is “We Serve” and Dela has been demonstrating that since she joined the Broadwater County Lions Club in 2015.
Shortly after joining she participated in a 2-day leadership training forum organized by the state Lions Leadership Committee. At the conclusion of the forum, participants were asked to submit ideas for the next forum. The committee was so impressed by Dela’s suggestions that they placed her on the committee and gave her the responsibility of organizing and conducting the next forum. Since then, she has conducted more than five leadership forums for Lions from throughout Montana.
She has also been the Northern Region Chairperson for several years. Coordinating Lion activities with other Montana clubs.
She is the outgoing president of the Broadwater County Lions Club and is the chair of several club activities. In the past two years, the Youth Committee has donated $2,400 to Townsend Youth Baseball and $1,700 to purchase a swing for the handicapped at the school.
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