This Week In History - July 20
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
`“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and
The “Cotter Foundation”
July 20
“Accommodations Crowded in Townsend with Rush on”
Accommodations in Townsend have become a real problem among hotel managers and tourist camp owners. Night after night with hotels and camps full, visitors have been turned away to seek shelter elsewhere. Many have slept in their cars in the streets and many have moved on to nearby towns to return the next day to transact business.
This condition is due to the newcomers who are interested in the construction of either roads or the big dam.
The housing situation has become a real problem, said R.M. O’Hearn, president of the Chamber of Commerce, who would like to see everyone taken care of who comes to our fair city. If residents of Townsend who own private homes, care to rent out rooms by the week, month or night, would contact Mr. O’Hearn or leave word at the Star Office, then strangers wishing accommodations who cannot get them at the regular hostelries, will be directed to them.
“Townsend Briefs”
Mrs. Palmer Engh, who is attending Western College of Education for the summer session, spent the weekend at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex DuFresne and daughters returned the past week from a vacation spent in Canada. While there they attended the stampede in Calgary.
Mrs. D.W. Neifert and sons, Dick and Danny, returned home recently from Kalispell and Polson after visiting relatives for a few weeks.
“Fishermen on Annual Trip to Mountain Lake”
Each year a group of fishermen make a trek into the Camas Lake in the Big Belts for an overnight campout. This past weekend the trip was made by Heinie Huth, George Lots, Bud Davis, Mike Huth, Don Anderson and Art Fortin, all of Townsend, Irv Blessinger of Helena and John Winden of Lewistown. Fishing, the gang said, was not so good this year and it looked like old home week, as there were five other groups camping there besides the local gang.
“Three Local Scouts on Wilderenss Trek”
Three local Boy Scouts, Jerry waling, Bob and Richard Thompson are members of a group of 29 scouts who will spend two weeks on a hike through the Bob Marshall Wilderness area, crossing the Continental Divide on the journey.
The Scouts are being accompanied by four adult leaders on the trek. Participation this annual trip is limited to explorer Scouts. The boys carry their own supplies for a week at a time. They left the West Fork of the Teton River and had enough supplies to last the first week. The second week’s supplies will be air dropped at Sheaffer’s Meadow and the group will travel on, arriving at Essex, on Highway 2 at the southern tip of Glacier Park.
“Crow Creek News”
Helena callers during the week were Mrs. Thomas Campbell, Mrs. Dan Hunsaker, Jeanne, Holly and Donna Dee, and Mrs. Al Kimpton.
Mrs. Bill Williams, Robin and Michelle and Mrs. Monte Bingham and girls of Townsend attended a family reunion in Idaho Falls recently. Robin remained for a few weeks visit with her grandparents in Blackfoot, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sanderson and boys of Bozeman visited Saturday with Mrs. And Mrs. Gordon Sanderson and family.
George Dundas and family attended the Three Forks rodeo Sunday evening.
Misses Pat Hensley of Missoula and Mary Ann Hensley of Helena spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Hensley.
Valerie Horne is spending sometime in Townsend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Fandrich and son, Abe.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bieber Jr. and family were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bieber Sr. and family.
“East of Townsend News”
Mary Sue Griffith of Crow Creek visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hardgrove.
Barry, Blaine and Jeff White and Frankie McArthur floated down the Smith River from Fort Logan to Ulm over the weekend. Joyce White and Betty McArthur met them Sunday at Ulm. They reported the fishing was good.
Kathy, Joe and Mike Plymale helped John and Doc Williams move cattle to the Holloway place Saturday.
Don and JoAnn Marks drove to Bozeman, Thursday to get Denise who had been attending 4-H Congress.
Annabelle Diehl, Rosella Whitehead and Candi Gunderson of Trout Creek visited Sunday in Butte at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Whitehead.