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This Week In History - July 6


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

July 6


“Local Briefs”

Miss Patricia Whaley, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Whaley of Chicago, is here visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John Whaley, and other relatives. She was the guest of her cousin, Miss Peggy Pennell, at the Fairchild home over the Fourth.

Miss Adele Hardy and Miss Dorothy Doggett came out from Helena to spend the Fourth at home here.

“Canton Valley News”

Mr. and Mrs. Curt Plymale and son, Paul, and Miss Leona Nydegger spent Sunday over the range with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keene, a cousin of Mrs. Plymale. They state that Alta Keene, former Broadwater County high school girl, is in Billings studying beauty culture.

On Monday evening of this week Eddie Meyers and Francis Daly of Helena were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jenkins and daughter, Renell, and Neil Sullivan and Earl James of Helena spent the day at the Sullivan Home.


“Valley News’

Picnickers at Canyon Ferry on the Fourth were Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Marks and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Walter.

Valley Woman’s club met at the club house Wednesday June 21. Mrs. DeVon Domer and Mrs. Howard Perkins were joint hostesses. Mrs. Henry Meyer gave a paper on school systems, old and new, during the afternoon. Schools from the 17th century to the present day. Roll call, members answered with a name of a president of the U.S. Comment of the month: “Atlas was the last person who supported the world before this country took over”.

Lunch was served to the following: Mrs. James Hardgrove, Mrs. Wm. Gaab, Mrs. Glenn Kirscher, Mrs. Sewell Marks, Mrs. Tom Perkins, Mrs. Hank Meyer, Mrs. Claude Cartwright and guests, Mrs. Carl Kieckbusch and Mrs. Ray Jenkins.

Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Tom Perkins, July 19 at her mountain home.


“Fourth of July Picnic Was Quite Successful”

The Fourth of July picnic at the Townsend boat docks, sponsored by business and professional men and women of Broadwater County and directed by the Townsend Chamber of Commerce, was a decided success, due in great part to the cooperation of the weatherman who furnished a cloudy, cool day for the event.

The original picnic committee appointed by Bud Davis, president of the Chamber, Don Fogland, Chas. Ross, Fred Black and Keith Valentine are to be commended for their untiring work in soliciting funds and supervising activities. Other committees appointed to assist them included: Fish Derby - Kenneth O’Dell, Willard Whitehead, Loenard Lavender; Food - Frank Carter, Vern Hallenbeck, Joe Cross; Entertainment – Bill Kieckbusch, Mel Carlson, Keith Valentine.

The committee wishes to extend special thanks to Malcolm Henry, Harvey Barraugh, Jim Graham and John Walter for their assistance at the food stand; to the members of the Woman’s Club for helping prepare part of the food; Montana Meat Company, Eddy’s and Gamer’s Bakeries for furnishing part of the food and Petrolane Gas for furnishing gas for cooking.

Chas. Ross estimates there were 500 people served a free lunch and many more went out for the fireworks at night which was put on the by the American Legion. The Legion had a beer stand at the picnic and Babe Ruth baseball had a pop stand and penny pitch for entertainment.

Winners in the various events were; Sack Race - Richy Smith, Steve Sautter, Gary Hoppe, Donna Doig; Kids Peanut Race – Carl Dietzen, Paulette Hanson, Dan Deitzen; Kids 3 Legged Race – Mike Perry and Tim Evans; Women’s 3 Legged Race – Dorothy Day and Beverly Day; Horseshoe Pitching – Dick Evans, Jr. and Glenn Johnson; Villa Doig and Darlene Doig; Dennis Scoffield and Bud Sautter; DeVon Domer and his partner; tug of war – Kimpton Haying crew of Crow Creek challenged any 4-man team from Townsend. The Townsend team – Ray Doig, Mosse Herbst, Herb and Rudy Hoppe, out pulled the challengers.

Fish Derby winners were: Steve Valentine, Donna Doig, Steve Day and Paulette Hanson, Randy Herbst, David Tarabochia and Doug Day.


“Townsend Has Coin-Operated Car Wash Business:

Townsend now has a coin-operated car wash. The new service business Is part of Merle’s Thunderbird at the south edge of town on highway 287.

A new 35 foot wide addition was built on to the existing station to house the car wash facility. The addition is divided into two stalls for the car wash business.

Mr. Sears says the equipment includes warm water, 645 pounds of pressure and complete self-cleaning auto service.

A grand opening is planned later.

“Who is Where in the Armed Forces”

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Third Class Larry G. Massa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Massa, has returned to Long Beach, Calif., as a crew member aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Princeton after a five-month tour of duty in the Western Pacific.

He is a landing signal enlisted man in the ship’s air department and is responsible for the day and night launches, recovery and moving of all aircraft form the flight deck during amphibious assault operation.

Lance Corporal Richard Thompson, U.S. Marines, is leaving Thursday morning from Butte by plane for Camp Pendleton, Calif., after spending a 20-day leave here with his mother, Mrs. Mary Thompson, and family.

Ensign Frank Grover, who has been based at Kingsville, Texas, the past six months, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Grover. He was en route to his new assignment at Yorktown, Va. He left Wednesday, July 5, and will drive to Virginia, reporting to his new duties July 10.

Sgt. Cecil W. Hunsaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hunsaker, arrived home Wednesday, June 28, after a year’s tour of duty in Vietnam. His parents met him at the Billings airport. After a 45-day furlough, he will report to Camp Erwin, Calif.


“East of Townsend” News

Ron, Phyllis and Robbie Marks of Garrison visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Marks. Robbie will spend some time here with his grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Rhyneer of Absarokee are visiting at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Perry Rhyneer and Dean.

The Corky Clark family spent the holiday weekend at the lake. Larry and Judy Jones and girls of Billings spent the weekend with the Clarks.

Jeannie, Heather and Angle Flechsenhar of Cascade visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Christie and helped with the three day cattle drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stucky and family attended the piano recital last week in which their daughter, Diana, participated.