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Keep AIS prevention protocols in mind this Summer


Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Fish Wildlife and Parks

Keep AIS prevention protocols in mind this Summer

Fish, Wildlife and Parks

HELENA – As boaters and other water recreationists gear up for the summer, they need to follow the rules to prevent aquatic invasive species (AIS) from affecting Montana’s waters.

Those rules include:

* All boats must stop at all open watercraft inspection stations they encounter. Failure to do so could result in a fine of up to $500.

* Always be sure to clean, drain and dry your boat.

* All watercraft entering Montana are required to be inspected for aquatic invasive species. An inspection is required before launching on Montana waters.

* Non-residents transporting watercraft into Montana must purchase a Vessel AIS Prevention Pass before launching. The fee is $30 for motorized and $10 for nonmotorized watercraft. The pass is valid until Dec. 31.

* Inspection is required for Montana residents before launch IF: the boat is entering the state, crossing west over the Continental Divide or entering the Flathead basin.

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