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Vigilante Electric Coop Hosts Member Appreciation Day


Nancy Marks, Reporter
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Vigilante Electric Coop Hosts Member Appreciation Day

Nancy Marks, Reporter

Vigilante Electric Cooperative of Dillon hosted its first ever Member Appreciation Day in Townsend Tuesday, June 27 at Heritage Park. Two of the organizers, Chelsey Hutchinson and Paige Garrison of Dillon put their heads together to provide a brat for the Coop’s many rural customers in Broadwater County. “Several other Montana coops hold appreciation- day so we talked our boss, Rollie, into letting us try out the idea. This way we get to meet our customers face-to-face rather than hearing a voice over the phone,” she explained.

The Coop’s next appreciation days will be in Whitehall, then in Dillon, the location of the main office. The turnout for the event was outstanding. About 200 people attended. Hutchinson commented how great it was to be able to rent such a good facility as Heritage Park.

Broadwater County area foreman Clint Begger agreed with the ladies about the appreciation day being a good idea to get to know the customers. Begger, who has been with Vigilante for five years began his job as area foreman in January. Asked how he liked Broadwater County, he said he loved the weather both winter and summer and remarked how great the people are.” It’s a super good community. I really like how people turn out to support community events,” he said.

Vigilante Electric serves approximately 2,200 customers in Broadwater County.

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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Vigilante Electric Member Appreciation Day
Image 2 Caption: Coop members treated to a great lunch