Spirit Week
Author: Ashton Obert, Jazlyn Martin
Ashten Obert & Jazlyn Martin
BHS Spirit Week
October 3-7th was Broadwater High Schools’ homecoming spirit week. During these days upper and lower classmen competed against each other, dressing up, decorating hallways and floats, playing mini-games during lunch hour, and many other fun activities. During study hall the following morning, the students gathered in the main gym to be counted to determine the winning class of that day. They collected points from their winnings and the winning class was announced at the homecoming football game during halftime at 7 p.m. Friday.
Monday for spirit week students will have ‘color wars’. Each class was assigned a color to dress in. Whichever class got the most participants got a certain amount of points.
Tuesday was country club vs. country day. The country definitely won because, well it’s Montana!
Wednesday was anything but a backpack day where students could bring literally anything but a backpack. (Of course except for animals, motorized vehicles and other obvious no’s).
Thursday was white lies day. Basically, students wore a white tee shirt with an obvious lie on the front or back.
Finally, Friday was spirit day, where students showed their Bulldog spirit by wearing as much blue & white as possible!
At the football game, it was announced that the seniors had once again won the pizza party prize for Hoco week! Staff members, students and others enjoy homecoming week more than any other. So much creativity and brilliant ideas running through the halls and classrooms. Although we might be competitive, we Bulldog's really have spirit!
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