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Senior Steak Fry
Author: Eliza McLaughlin

Senior Steak Fry a Savory Success

A lot goes on during Broadwater High School’s homecoming week. The elementary students gather on Broadway to cheer as the high school classes show off their handmade floats, each sport participates in a highly competitive match and students spend the week participating in dress-up days. Although these events are highly attended, perhaps the most attended homecoming event is the senior steak fry.

“The senior steak fry is an annual event held before the homecoming football game that raises funds for the senior class graduation activities,” steak fry committee president Emma Spurlock told MT 43 News.

These activities include a senior banquet, decorating the graduation ceremony and the senior all-night party. The all-night party, which uses most of the steak fry funding, takes place after graduation and provides seniors with a safe, alcohol-free place to celebrate, according to Spurlock. In addition to the steak fry, the seniors host a silent auction during the event. Items for auction were provided by the students’ families and local businesses.

Planning for the 2022 senior steak fry began the first week of school, and parents of the senior class met every week working to ensure a savory success. “I was very grateful to have such a wonderful group of parents that were willing to jump in and help anywhere they could, from prepping food to washing dishes,” Spurlock said, adding that local businesses supported the event too. The seniors pitched in as well, helping sell tickets before the event, and they fulfilled their job.

The 50 graduating seniors pressed 670 tickets, another 47 meal tickets were purchased at the event. “The community really turned out,” Spurlock said. “Our grillers were very busy flipping steaks all evening.” Although the committee has yet to determine the total amount raised by the Oct. 7 event, Spurlock said it was a successful fundraiser.

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PhotoCredit: Eliza Mclaughlin
Image 1 Caption: Scott Scoffield (left) and Mike Millay (right) man the grill
Image 2 Caption: Cassidy Johnson (left) and Kailey Knaub (right) help serve customers
Image 3 Caption: Jim and Brenda Hinman (front) share a meal with Harold and Laura Gibbs (back) at the Broadwater High School Senior Steak Fry on Oct. 7