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The Robin's Nest


Ellie West, Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy
Inside Inspiration: Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy

The Robin's Nest

Ellie West

Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy

I love robins as they are symbols of renewal and transformation, and just like spring, they represent new beginnings. And we certainly have our share of robins this year!

When I woke up the other morning, I noticed four robins’ nests being built in an area I prefer they didn’t nest. So, I took a broom and swept the area to try and discourage the robins from building their nests. I cleaned up the area, and a short time later, I looked out the window and saw some robins picking up the residue left on our driveway to start rebuilding their nest.

I went back outside to investigate, and sure enough, two nests were being built in the same area I had previously swept. So, I get the broom again and sweep the partially built nests. As I am sweeping, Momma Robin is watching me, and I can almost hear her say, “You can continue to sweep away my nests, but I will continue to persevere and build them at all costs. I have chosen the area where I want my nest and will not let anyone or anything stand in my way.”

Bill comes out with a smile and watches me sweep and clean up, sweep and clean up, sweep, and clean up…I am not sure who is more exhausted me or the robins. These robins are relentless, and they keep scouring for twigs and mud and push themselves to keep moving forward to get their nest built in due time.

They don’t give up and continue to press in as they have a goal to reach. Oh my, we can learn so much from these birds. Their determination and perseverance are admirable, and they teach us that no matter what obstacles we face, we should never give up.

As I watch the robins persist in building their nests, I am reminded of the importance of pushing forward, even when things get tough. Like the robin, we must keep our eyes fixed on our purpose and refuse to let any setbacks or challenges deter us.

With this in mind, I am grateful for the opportunity to observe these beautiful creatures and learn from their example. I look forward to seeing their nests take shape as they endure to build and grow their families in another area. :)

Do you sometimes feel like you are moving forward, just like Momma Robin, and then someone or something comes by and sweeps away or tears down your nest - even if it is just partially built?

You have a vision, dream, purpose, or goal you are working towards, and your idea gets shot down and swept away. Or perhaps you have shared your vision with those closest to you, and you heard, “You can’t do that, You don’t have the skills or education to do that", or how about this one, “It’s not going to work.”

When I stopped to think about how diligent these Momma Robins are in pursuing their goals and building their nests, I was reminded that there are many times when I have felt just like that, Momma Robin.

It can be disheartening and make you feel like giving up, but remember that not everyone will understand your vision, and not everyone will support you. The most important thing is to believe in yourself and your abilities.

Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you, and keep pushing towards your dreams. Remember, success often comes from taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

But just like Momma Robin, we need to persevere. We must keep pushing forward and not let anyone stand in our way.

We must have the determination and the courage to continue building our nest, twig by twig until we reach our goal. It may take some time, and we may face obstacles along the way, but with persistence and a positive attitude, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

So, let us learn from the robins and their relentless pursuit of their goals. Let us not give up when facing opposition or setbacks but continue to build our nests and reach for our dreams. And who knows, just like the robins, our persistence may inspire others around us to pursue their purpose, goals, and dreams.

“Perseverance is not a long race: it is many short races one after the other.” ~Walter Elliot

To connect with Ellie FB@coachelliewest