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Letter To The Editor


Victor Sample
Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer

Letter To The Editor

This letter reflects my personal views and does not reflect the views of MT43 News. MT43 News reports news but does not take sides; however, we do encourage presenting multiple facets of issues.

In this issue, there is another “Letter to the Editor” about the young people suing Montana. I would like to present an alternate view.

Climate change is a fact; good arguments can be made as to what is causing climate change but the climate is changing. The teenagers suing the State of Montana are concerned about their environment and want to make a difference.

Instead of spending all of their time on social media sites or playing video games, these teenagers are taking action on an issue they feel strongly about. I do not see how teenagers engaging in our society and wanting to make a difference can possibly be a bad thing.

We all deplore trivial lawsuits; but, in the United States settling issues in court is the proper way to resolve issues. These teenagers are not leading disruptive protests or rioting in the streets; they are pursuing their concerns in an adult, legal manner.

The United States Supreme Court recently ruled against big oil companies that sought to prevent lawsuits regarding climate change. Our Supreme Court believes that lawsuits are the proper channel for trying to resolve these issues.

Regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, we should be applauding these young people for being willing to become involved in what they believe in and doing it the correct way.

Victor Sample

Townsend, MT