Fall Fest Beginnings
 | Author: Linda Huth Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
Recently there was an article in the “MT 43 News” regarding the beginnings of Townsend’s Fall Festival. I would like to offer the following additional information regarding those “beginnings” of Fall Festival.
For several years my late husband, Ernie Forrey and I owned a craft store on Front Street. Because I was working at the time and was not really involved in the function, I don’t remember the exact year for certain, but I think it was 2000 or 2001, Ernie Forrey hosted a craft show on the Railroad right of way on Front Street. I know for certain that Dick Black and his wife were vendors. I think Ernie hosted the event for a couple of years. The event kept growing and in 2002, it was moved to Heritage Park. Ernie approached the Townsend Area Chamber of Commerce to see if they would be interested in taking over hosting it. The Chamber declined. So he approached the local Rotary Club and the rest is history.
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PhotoCredit: Linda Huth
Image 1 Caption: Ernie Forrey