Letter To the Editor : Another Thoughtless Lawsuit
Author: Tony Wagner
Another Thoughtless Lawsuit
I heard on the Monday morning news that “16 youths” are suing the state of Montana for siding with the fossil fuel industry to produce CO2. They believe this will harm future generations. Well...
Montana produces 406 thousand metric tons of CO2 per year all told. That includes energy, manufacturing etc. used, or exported. That’s a significant decrease from the one million metric tons of CO2 produced in 1995. 406 thousand metric tons equals 895 million lbs. of CO2 produced each year.
Montana has 6 billion trees, each converting 48 pounds of CO2 into oxygen on average per year. That’s 288 billion lbs. of CO2 that Montana trees convert into oxygen per year, or more than 200 billion lbs. in excess CO2 that Montana trees convert into oxygen. That's just trees. We grow a lot of wheat and other grains.
Unlike Canada and South America, the US, as a whole, does not convert more CO2 to oxygen than it produces. So, there are states that are doing poorly in this area, but not Montana.
I think the folks bringing this lawsuit against Montana should move to New Jersey and sue them. After all, it’s states with lots of big cities that are tipping the scales.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve long been tired of big city folks writing laws and suing the states and industries for what they are the ones guilty of. Tell me these “16 youths” aren’t using electricity or taking some form of transportation. It’s big cities where millions of gallons of oil and billions of kilowatts are being used every day. Another fact, Montana rates high in reusable energy, primarily due to our hydroelectric dams.
I think I'll send this information to Montana's defense lawyers. I’d like to see the state win and counter-sue for expenses.
Tony Wagner
Townsend, MT