This Week In History - June 29
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
`“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”
June 29
“Local Briefs”
T.M. Cheney has broken ground for a new home, the location of which is the corner lot just south of the W.G. Ragen home on Cedar Street. The plans are for a neat little five room cottage and Carl Hov has the contract to build it. Mr. Cheney hopes to have the house ready for occupancy by the first of September at which time he will return to take over the superintendency of the Public school.
Miss Ann Whaley returned to Townsend Tuesday evening after a vacation trip to the San Francisco World’s Fair and other points of interest on the coast.
Howard J. Doggett motored to Red Lodge Wednesday. He is driving a new Buick recently purchased from the Chevrolet garage.
“Miss Eleanor Schwisow Chosen for State Office in Rainbow Assembly”
The delegates to the State Assembly of the Order of Rainbow for Girls departed on Sunday for Livingston where the assembly was held. Miss Mary Lou Bristow, Worthy Advisor, Miss Eleanor Schwisow, Charity and Miss Margy Kieckbusch, Hope were the delegates and they were accompanied by Mrs. Paul Plymale, Mother Advisor, and Mr. Plymale. They returned on Tuesday and report that Miss Eleanor Schwisow was chosen Grand Musician for the Order and will preside at the organ at the next grand assembly next summer.
“Winston News”
The Joe Clark ranch was the scene of a very happy reunion picnic Sunday. A sister and brother of Joe from Richland and Kennewick, Wash. And two sisters and a brother from Anaconda were there with their families. Over forty were present and everyone had a good time.
Sunday guests of Mrs. Annie Bisby were Mr. Elsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Alten and children of Fort Peck and Olaf Olson. Mrs. Rola of Three Forks is spending several weeks with Mrs. Bisby.
Mr. and Mrs. Del Wallace of Toston were visiting with friends in Winston Sunday.
Glen and Wayne Whitehead, who are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead, in Townsend have been calling on friends in the Winston vicinity. Both boys now reside in Wisconsin.
“Many Youngsters Enroll for Swimming Course”
As of Wednesday afternoon there were 171 who had signed up to take the swimming lesson course. These lessons are being given each morning, Monday through Friday.
Bob Miller, pool manager, is asking that boys and girls between the ages of 13 through 18 contact him about the Junior and Senior Life Saving courses. These courses can qualify persons for future life guards.
Visitors are asked to watch activities in the pool from the wading pool area instead of around the pool. This is especially true of those accompanying the youngsters there for the lessons now being given. Too many parents cause the children to be distracted from the lessons and therefore do not get as much from the lessons as they might. The new grass around the pool will not stand any trampling and visitors should refrain from walking on the grass.
Forty-five students from White Sulphur Springs will be taking lessons at the local pool as soon as details of scheduling, etc., can be worked out.
“East of Townsend” News
Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Richtmyer and Mrs. Marion Bucy attended the Duede-McGonagal wedding at the Cathedral in Helena Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bucy and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nagy and family were dinner guests Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sanderson and family at Belgrade.
Mike and Mark O’Dore of Billings spent the weekend at the home of their grandmother, Mildred Neild.
Lita Clark left Monday for Billings where she will visit her aunt and uncle, Judy and Larry Johnson and will seek employment.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bucy and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nagy visited Friday in Butte with Don and June Matthews.
Bruce and Janis Eckert and daughters of Red Lodge visited Wednesday and Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Romo and family.
Barry Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Corky Clark, participated in the AAU Junior Olympics last week at Bozeman. Barry place 4th in the 100 with a 10.5 time and also placed 4th in the 220 with a time of 23.72. He will participate in the regional track meet which will be held in Bozeman on July 8. Joe Cazier was also a participant, but unfortunately, didn’t place in any event.