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This Week In History - June 22


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

June 22


“Big Three-day Celebration over 4th Rounding into Shape Committees Say”

The bleachers and corrals have been completed at the fair grounds where the rodeo on July 3rd and 4th is to be held and other arrangements are being carried out by the committees from the Legion to make the big three-day celebration in Townsend a real success, according to Ben Sautter and Les Anders who head on the committee on general arrangements.

Tickets on the new Ford V-8 two door car are selling good and when the car is finally given away on July 4th, there is going to be some tense moments. The tickets are 50₵ and who knows but that a new beautiful automobile will be someone’s proud possession for but 50₵ . Doesn’t seem possible, but it is very probable.

Duke Wellington has been named marshal of the day. Such an honor was bestowed upon the non-legion man because of his interest in the celebration and his desire to assist all of the committees.

Committees are as follows: general chairmen, Mayor Les Anders, Ben Sautter, F.G., McCarthy; rodeo, Wallace Burtt and Floyd Walker; pig race, Nick Helner; potato horse race, Paul Ragen; boys bicycle race, Fred Kapinos; girl’s bicycle race, Elmer Feldt; baseball, Sautter and Balhiser; dance, Frank Murray, Frank Holloway and Dewey Shields; concession, Geo. Bickford and Eustice Walter; race judges, Matthis and Wellington; programs Al Schwab.

A committee on decorations and parade will be announced later.


“Townsend Briefs”

Carol Mockel of Bozeman had been visiting her cousin Marion Mockel here recently.

Several young girls enjoyed a week’s camping party at Rillway on Deep Creek during the week, trying their hand at their own cooking and enjoying the freedom of the mountain canyon Those in the party were Marjorie Ward, Vivian Graveley Patty Nash, Janet Fryhling, Judy Doggett, Beverly Branton, Patty Paulson, Dorothea Sass.

Misses Peggy Graveley and Billie Jean Zimmerman, students at the Dillon Normal college, spent the week end in Townsend.

Fred W. Schmitz returned Thursday last from a short vacation spent in Portland and on the west coast.

Mr. and Mrs. Loris Zimmerman have been here visiting Mr. Zimmerman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zimmerman from Bremerton, Wn.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gabisch returned recently from a trip to Denver.


“Scouts Get Awards at Court of Honor’

Saturday night, June 17, a number of Boy Scouts of Troop 98 and Post 98 were presented various awards at a Court of honor by Earl Satchel of Helena, deputy Commander of Prickly Pear District. The Court of Honor was held at the LDS Church.

Activities got under way when the Scouts presented the flag ceremony with Chris Grover playing “To the Colors” on his bugle. LDS Missionary, John Collins, was master of ceremonies and his associate, Stephen Gold, gave a talk on bravery.

Grover Powers of Helena, district chairman, gave his principal address. He expressed great concern for future Scouting activities in Prickly Pear district, and stated that unless more funds were raised, the program would be greatly curtailed.

Outstanding attraction at the meeting was a display of arrowheads and other Indian artifacts which have been collected over a number of years by Louie Day.

Among the Scouts receiving awards were: Kenneth Toney, tenderfoot badge; Tony Kaul, second class badge; Mark Whitehead, star badge, senior patrol leader badge and 8 merit badges; Chris Grover, life badge and 4 merit badges; Richard Thompson, star merit badge and 4 merit badges; Bob Thompson, 5 merit badges; Danny Day, 2 merit badges; Bruce Whitehead, Larry Lundborg, Kent Grover, Mickey Grover and Jim Nave each received a merit badge.


“Toston Briefs”

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rauser and Bill Kearns were in Boulder Saturday night.

Miss Janet Etzwiler of Townsend spent last week with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rauser and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mickey of Bozeman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Jersey and family.

Miss Jean Berberet was a contestant in the high school rodeo held in Townsend last weekend. Among those attending the rodeo from the Toston community were David and Steve Johnson, Mrs. George Rauser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller, Scott, Garth, Cathy and Gay, Bill Flynn and John, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berberet and family, Miss Jo Ann Slifka, Richard Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson and Patti.


“Winston-Clasoil” News

The household of Jim and Rubie Cox has been an exciting one this past week with the arrival of their son and family, Cliff, Missie and Courtney, who have been residing in Calgary, Canada for the past several months. Cliff is enroute to a new assignment and is spending his time visiting his parent and sister and her husband, Chris and Jim Robinson-Cox.

Congratulations to David Hohn who placed third in the Advanced Unlimited Wrestling class at Salt Lake City this past week. Vince and Inez drove their son to Salt Lake on Tuesday, returning Saturday night after an eventful week. They were accompanied by Mrs. Fred Geisser who visited her sister in Ogden, Utah. David is eligible to attend the National Wrestling Matches in Lincoln, Nebraska in July. David is also the only one who represented his county, and if he decides to go to Lincoln, we know he will do likewise.