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This Week In History - June 15


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”

June 15


“Young Men Arrive Safe After Trans-Continental Flight”

Just a dark speck in the sky noticed last evening coming over the east range south of Old Baldy, was the first evidence early observers had that the two local aviators, Don L. Hollaway and Thos. E. Conners, were approaching home after a long and somewhat hazardous air trip from Cincinnati to Townsend.

The plane circled Townsend at a high altitude and the pilots brought her down on the Townsend port at 7:25 with as many Townsend people taking to the port as were aware of its arrival. Quite a number were present to see the new red Aeronca , claimed at the factory in Cincinnati last Friday, come gliding onto the home port and the two home boys get out and stretch their long legs after a long flight in the last lap of their journey. Please note: there is not enough space to print this entire article here. If you would like to see the entire article, please visit the Broadwater County Museum at 133 North Walnut Street.


“Townsend News”

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams have moved into their newly acquired home recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe Thorson.

Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Ragen have begun to clear away the debris of their home which burned in a fire three weeks ago. All of the salvaging has been completed and now workmen are breaking the stucco from the walls and hauling it away. As soon as the rubble is removed, they plan to rebuild. At present they have the apartment in the Mint hotel at their disposal.

Pat Hooks arrived in Townsend last Thursday after having completed his second year in the Georgetown University Law school. Enroute home he visited friends in Colorado. Mr. Hooks rounded out another very eventful year in the nation’s capital city and has fine experiences to relate. He will again be employed as manager of the Townsend Employment Bureau this summer.

Jeff and Bill Doggett are now at home after having completed their second year in Business Administration at the State University at Missoula.


“Crow Creek News”

Mrs. Jack Poole, John, Jeff and James of Townsend, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimpton and boys Saturday.

Mrs. Ray Horne and Valerie returned home Monday after spending ten days visiting relatives in Washburn, North Dakota.

Miss Kay Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson of Townsend, is spending the summer helping at the Rowland Kimpton home. Miss Thompson attends Brigham Young University.


“Toston Briefs’

Mrs. Don Miller, Garth and Jema were business callers in Helena Saturday.

Mrs. Gladys Johnson was a Wednesday dinner guest at the Byron Johnson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith, accompanied by Jack Smith and daughter, Karen, and Ted Roberts were in Bozeman one day last week attending to business and calling on relatives.

Franklin Slifka and his construction crew are working in Drummond this week, building a post office.

Miss Jane Berberet came home from Montana State University Friday and left by train Saturday for Denver where she will spend the summer working at the Flying G Ranch.

“Busy Fingers 4-H Club”

The May meeting of the Busy Fingers 4-H Club was called to order on the 18th at Leanhart’s. For roll call we each told of a safety rule. Mrs. Christie gave her leader’s report. For business we discussed the date of our next meeting, 4-H Camp and the float for the rodeo parade. Teena Leanhart, Lyla Mann, Peggy Ryan and Mary Ellen McNulty gave demonstrations.

The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served by Mrs. Leanhart and Lyla Mann……Judy Ann McNulty, reporter


“Senior Citizen Center Honors Volunteers”

An appreciation party was held on Thursday, June 8 honoring RSVP Volunteers.

The cake was made and donated by Mrs. Joyce Lane and Mrs. Franklin Slifka of Toston. It was a work of art, done in the RSVP colors, gold and white. Many pictures were taken to this.

Awards were presented by Alice Noyd, Center Director and Donna of Helena to: Jaque Rene; Mildred Kimpton; Rose Ward; Dick Gill; Agnes Hunter; Julia Johnson; Lola Rickets; Pearl Barraugh; Alice , also Ellis and Jeanette Lewis who were on vacation and not present to receive their certificate.

A special award went to Jean Rene for having nearly 4000 hours in the program. She was also presented with a beautiful corsage and a card which, not only let Jean know the love and appreciation which we all have for her, it contained a money donation as well. It was our way of saying “Thank you, Jean”.