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This Week In History - June 8


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

June 8


“Piano Students Appear in Helena Recital”

Five local piano students, Ann and Pat Ragen, Shirley Sautter, Norma Morris and Jack Zimmerman, took part in the annual spring recital of Javan and Justine Pfeiffer in Helena on Monday.

Ann Ragen played a double number “Le Tambourin” and “Mammy’s Song”. Pat Ragen played “Ghost Dance” and Jack Zimmerman with “Chiquito” by Berna, showed considerable progress as one of the advanced pupils. Miss Sautter, who gave a recital here last year, played “Morning Song” by Butler.

The recital was given in the music room of the Placer hotel at 8 o’clock. Miss Fern Canty, another pupil, attended, but did not take part as she is working toward another individual recital for next fall.


“Radersburg News”

Mrs. Dan Ralls has returned to her home from the Round Grove ranch where she has been employed the past two months.

Miss Minnie Hiesey and daughter, Mrs. Gerald Gray, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parks all of Helena, were visitors of Mrs. Minnie Holdaway and son, Bill, on Memorial Day.

Master Dennis Sitton of Bozeman is spending a part of the summer vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Lewis Kramp.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harris and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buckingham and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Harris last Tuesday.

Clarence Murray came over from Boulder Thursday to visit his daughter, Mrs. John Williams, and attend graduation of granddaughter, Sharley.

The Nite-Owl is receiving a new coat of paint, being applied by the Glenn Painting and Roofing Co. of Butte.

The local grocery here is being greatly improved with a new floor and sheet-rock put on the walls and ceiling. In appearance and service, it compares with stores of much larger towns.


“Fishing Derby for Boy Scouts”

Boy Scout troops 98 and 99 of Townsend had a fishing derby at the Townsend Boat Docks on Lake Townsend Saturday, May 27. Prizes were offered for the largest trout and also rough fish, but only one trout was taken.

Following were winners in the derby and pries: Tim Hysell, 1 lb. 8 oz. trout, canteen; Mick Grover, 4 lb. 4 ½ oz. rough fish, creel; Tony Kaul, 1 lb. 11 oz. rough fish, lure box; Danny Day, 1 lb. 6 ½ oz. rough fish, bait box; Tom Perry, 1 lb. 5 oz. rough fish, beach ball.

In the casting contest Danny Day won a bait box for first prize and Mark Whitehead was awarded a beach ball for second place.

Judges were John Walter, Herb Sprout and Louie Day.


“Little League Players Assigned”

Boys have been assigned to the Little League teams for this year and they are listed as follows: Athletics, Charles Holling, Coach – David Brammer, Billy Bucy, Kurt Campbell, Abe Fandrich, Spencer, Sid and Tim Holling, Mark Meyer, Jack Ragen, Scott Simon, David Thompson, Bill Hooks, Frank Peters and Doug O’Hern. Pirates, Mel Pottruff, Coach – Greg Pottruff, Mike Holzwarth, Mike Foster, Ben Sautter, Kenny Doig, John Hahn, Jim Foster, Phil Ryan, Bob Pottruff, Mark Davidson, Kevin Walker, Billy Walker, Doug Pottruff, Lindsey Scoffield, Jeff Hinch and Randy Herbst. Dodgers, Jack Sautter, Coach – Gregg Sautter, Donnie Damuth, Gene Kenney, Van Ewing, David Riley, Don Girdler, Mike Delger, Brent Helmick, Ron Graham, Rodney Kenney, Bobby Francisco, Tom Cazier and Rickey Holzwarth. Yankees, Al Copeland, Coach – Jim Anderson, Jim Armstrong, Jim Booher, Ron Campbell, Rex Bowman, Mike Copeland, Mike Fanelli, Bob Gerheart, Billy Kirley, Matt Meyer, Dan Ouren, Jamie Poole, Rich Ragen, Tom Ragen, Wade Wing, Brad Scoffield, John Foster, Doug Ellis, Edwin Spatzierath and Eddie Anderson.


“Radersburg News”

By Ida Smith…I went on as Water Commissioner as of Sunday. Judge Peter Maloy of Helena told me to go on Friday but everyone was doing fine, so went on Sunday as we (Oppie helped) had to run some water down. So if the news is short for the next couple of months, please bare with me. Besides going up the Creek (Crow Creek) and down the creek, there are records to keep, a garden to finish putting in and yard work to do, so if anyone has any free time, you know what you can do. Help!

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Seaman of Seely Lake were Radersburg visitors one day last week. They had lunch with John and Loretta Williams. I missed them as I was out ending up the collection for the cancer fund. They (Bob and Heiny) were dinner guests that evening at the Chuck Gillespies and family, Marie Seaman, in Helena. They also missed Tillie Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smith attended Fire school at the courthouse in Townsend.

Thursday, Mary Grandchamp, Jane Bottler and Lola Ricketts were Townsend callers and had dinner at the Senior Citizen’s Center and played cards afterwards.