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Toston Blue Ribbon 4-H Club helps American Legion family place and pick up flags at County cemeteries
Author: Jen Dalrymple, Colonel, USAF Retired Post 42 Cemetery Flag Coordinator

Toston Blue Ribbon 4-H Club helps American Legion family place and pick up flags at County cemeteries

Jen Dalrymple

Colonel, USAF Retired Post 42 Cemetery Flag Coordinator

Saturday morning, May 27th, kicked off the Memorial Day flag placements at Veterans' graves throughout the county. Many people helped provide assistance with hundreds of flags at seven locations; the two largest being Deep Creek and Radersburg Cemeteries.

Alongside our American Legion volunteers were several members of the Toston Blue Ribbon 4-H Club who showed up at the largest cemeteries at 9:00 a.m. and made light work of the Honorable task. Not only were they there on Saturday, some returned on Wednesday morning to help pick the flags up again.

We want to extend our deepest appreciation to the Toston Blue Ribbon 4-H Club and ALL of our gracious volunteers throughout the County, who gave of their time to honor our departed Veterans, some of whom paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

Radarsburg crew -

Thank you to Alex, Kay and Aiden Kitto, Katey, Kay, Caleb and Jessica Crusch, Karen Susag and Esther Suhr.

Deep Creek Crew -

Thank you to Emily, Desiree and Josh Taves, Tanner, Tyler and Emily Bird, Spencer Braetan, Mishayla Lambott, Ken and Margie Urich, Kim and Tom Hay, Dormi, Janet Wagner, Jim Swan, and Linda Cousineau.

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PhotoCredit: Jen Dalrymple
Image 1 Caption: Toston Blue Ribbon 4-H Club volunteers at the entrance of Radarsburg Cemetery.
Image 2 Caption: Toston Blue Ribbon 4-H Club volunteers Mishayla Lambott and Emily Taves share tasks at Deep Creek Cemetery
Image 3 Caption: Desiree and Josh Taves working their way through the Cemetery.
Image 4 Caption: Veteran Kim Hay and husband, Tom finished up the last of the flag placement.