Broadwater County Commission Meeting Minutes for 2023/05/04
Author: Angie Paulsen,Broadwater County Clerk and Recorder
LOCATION: 416 Broadway, Townsend, MT 59644
DATE: May 3, 2023
Commissioner Debi Randolph called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Darrel
Folkvord and Lindsey Richtmyer were also present.
Public Comment: Broadwater County Clerk and Recorder presented unofficial Townsend School
District No. 1 Trustee May 2, 2023, election results.
10:03 AM Broadwater County Community Development and Planning Director Nichole
Brown presented Hamilton Boundary Relocation. Commissioner Richtmyer moved to
approve Hamilton Boundary Relocation. Commissioner Folkvord seconded and carried.
10:10 AM Broadwater County Finance Officer Debbie Kelley presented
recommendation from the Compensation Board in the amount of $1.50 COLA for
Broadwater County Elected Officials FY 23-24. Compensation Board is comprised of
Elected Officials and three members of the public Shiela Stenzel, Chris Wright, and
Mike Koehnke. Commissioner Folkvord commented on the Compensation Board’s
decision regarding 4.5% COLA versus the $1.50 increase. The $1.50 increase for all
employees will help the folks on the lower end of the pay scale to have better pay
increase than if the decision was to go with 4.5% COLA for elected officials and all
county employees. The decision of $1.50 will aid in helping recruit and retain current
good employees. Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve the Compensation Board
recommendation of a $1.50 COLA for elected officials. Commissioner Folkvord
seconded. Commissioner Folkvord clarified that even if this motion is approved the
Commissioners will still look over the budget and make a change if needed. Motion to
accept $1.50 increase for elected officials carried.
10:15 AM Broadwater County Commissioner Darrel Folkvord presented Airport
Revised Lease Agreement. Deputy County Attorney Jania Hatfield commented.
Commissioner Folkvord moved to approve the Airport Lease Agreement with small
amendments recommended by Lance Bowser, Airport Engineer. Commissioner
Richtmyer seconded. Nancy Marks with MT43 News commented. Motion carried.
10:21 AM Commissioner Folkvord presented Airport Improvements. Commissioner
Folkvord moved to approve FAA Form 5100-130, Drug Free Workplace, Airport
Improvement Program Sponsor Certification, Townsend Airport Improvement Projects
AIP 3-30-0078-016-2023; Record of Engineering Selection and Contract Negotiations,
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 in the amount of $266,666.67 10% local
share cost of $26,666.67. Commissioner Richtmyer seconded and carried.
Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve MOU for Airport Land Acquisition
between the county and the city. Commissioner Folkvord seconded. Nancy Marks
MT43News commented. Motion carried.
10:31 AM Commissioner Richtmyer presented Broadband Advisory Board update.
10:36 AM Deputy County Attorney Jania Hatfield presented Quit Claim Deed for
William Lane alley in Toston, MT. Commissioner Folkvord moved to approve
Commissioner Folkvord moved to approve May 1, 2023, Minutes. Commissioner
Richtmyer seconded and carried.
Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve April 26, 2023, Minutes. Commissioner
Folkvord seconded and carried.
Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve claims in the amount of $16,243.65
Commissioner Folkvord seconded and carried.
Commissioner Folkvord moved to approve claims in the amount of $134,961.85.
Commissioner Richtmyer seconded and carried.
Commissioner Richtmyer moved to approve payroll claims in the amount of
$232,880.381. Commissioner Folkvord seconded and carried.
Broadwater County will host a public meeting with MDT at 2:00 PM May 23, 2023, at
the Flynn Building and it will be livestreamed for those who cannot attend.
Communications Received: Townsend School District No. 1 unofficial election results,
Request for Exemption Review David and Jill Hamilton, Book 2 Pg. 591, proposed
boundary relocation PLAT, FAA Form 5100-130 Drug Free Workplace — Airport
Improvement Program Sponsor Certification, Townsend Airport Improvement Projects
AIP 3-30-0078-016-2023 Record of Engineering Selection and Contract Negotiations,
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424, Exhibit A Airport Property Map, Resolution
86 -2, Quit Claim Deed William Lane Alleyway Abandonment.
Present at the meeting were Bernadette Swenson of Schuaber Surveying, David
Hamilton, and Nancy Marks with MT43News.
Meeting adjourned at 10:46 a.m.
Commissioner Chairwoman
Clerk and Recorder