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Townsend School District Receives Huge Grant


Susie Hedalen, Townsend Schools Superintendent
Townsend Schools Superintendent

Townsend School District Receives Huge Grant

Susie Hedalen

Townsend Schools Superintendent

Townsend School District is once again successful in receiving an incredibly competitive grant that will add to the great work the school is doing to support the students and community!

The District received the 21st Century Grant for students during non-school hours in the amount of $956,250.00, which will support after-school, summer, and non-school day programs over the next five years. Our dedicated Principal, Christina Hartmann completed this very detailed grant with the support and editing of Mrs. Hedalen, Superintendent.

Many community members took the time to review this grant and signed in support of this critical work. The administrative team was thankful for the support of the Board to approve the application and dedication of the team to working on this grant to meet the needs of our students, families, and community.

Details from the State on the 21st Century Grant Award:

The Office of Public Instruction is pleased to inform Townsend School District it is receiving a 5-year Federal 21st Community Learning Center Grant. Congratulations!

You will be awarded $212,500 for each of the next 3 years. In year 4, you will receive $170,000 and in year 5 you will receive $148,750.

Grant Background:

The purpose of the initiative is to establish 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) programs that provide economically disadvantaged students with opportunities for academic enrichment, personal enrichment, and other activities designed to complement the students’ regular academic program. The 21st CCLC programs provide safe environments for students during non-school hours. All centers must provide a range of high-quality services to support student learning and development, that may include, but are not limited to tutoring and mentoring, academic enrichment (e.g. homework assistance, reading, math, science, and technology programs), service learning, physical fitness and wellness, career and technical programs, career exploration and development.

Additional Competitive Grant awards 2021-2023 include:

Town Pump Food Snack Pack Program Grants $10,000 Author: Susie Hedalen

Town Pump Summer Reading Program Grants $2,000 Author Vicki Harvey

Broadwater Education Foundation Education Grants over each year $1,500 Authors: Jill Flynn, Missy Racht, Jamee Cameron, Molly Hanson, and Andrea Tullos

DPHHS ELC School Reopening Grants $190,000 Author: Susie Hedalen

ARP After School Grant $52,846 Author: Christina Hartmann

OPI EELO After School & Summer Grant $41,000 Author: Christina Hartmann

ARP Homeless Grant $10,000 Author: Susie Hedalen

OPI School Safety Professional Development $10,000 Author: Susie Hedalen

OPI Targeted School Support for SPED $30,000 Author: Susie Hedalen

The U.S. Department of Education’s Rural Education Achievement Program $ $9,627 Author: Susie Hedalen

Rural Reserve Grant CTE $4,786.00 Author: Jemma Loughrey

Emerge Education Grant CTE $950.00 Author: Jemma Loughrey

Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Teaching Excellence CTE $250.00 Author: Jemma Loughrey

Montana State Fund PPE Grant CTE $1,700.00 Author: Jemma Loughrey

Advancing Agriculture Education Funds $2,000.00 Author: Jemma Loughrey

Pending Grants:

OPI Targeted 2023-2024 Authors: Christina Hartmann, and Susie Hedalen

FFA Alumni 2023-2024 Authors: Rick Naber, Jemma Loughrey, and Susie Hedalen

TSC CTE 2023-2024 Authors: Rick Naber, Jemma Loughrey, and Susie Hedalen

Use of Grant Funds:

Townsend School District actively seeks out grants that will provide additional opportunities and high-quality materials for students and staff. The Townsend School District is careful not to use grants for salaries for long-term positions and is mindful of fiscal sustainability. These grants allow us to offer an even more exceptional educational experience without burdening taxpayers.