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White Sulphur Homicide Suspect Being Held in Broadwater Detention Center


Nancy Marks, Reporter
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

White Sulphur Homicide Suspect Being Held in Broadwater Detention Center Nancy Marks Reporter Dominic Paul Driscoll, 31, of Clancy has been arrested and charged with deliberate homicide in the death of White Sulphur Springs resident Benjamin Andrew Bullington, age 28. Driscoll is being held in the Broadwater Detention Center.

In the early morning hours of May 21, Meagher County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of gunshots at 206 East Baker Street near the Castle in White Sulphur. Bullington was found with a gunshot wound to the chest. He was declared deceased at Mountainview Medical Center.

Driscoll had a gunshot wound to the ankle. He was treated and then charged with homicide and transported to Townsend. No other suspects are involved in this case.

The Montana Division of Criminal Investigation, Montana Crime Laboratory and Montana Highway Patrol are involved in this case according to Jon Lopp, Meagher County Sheriff.

His office explained Driscoll was transported to the Townsend facility because their facility is only a 72-hour holding facility.